Whew! Where has our summer gone? I can’t believe that we have started school already. The young kids are back and the buses have their flashing lights going in the morning. The college kids are back in town and the Saturday traffic is slow moving. The book stores, coffee houses […]
Monthly Archives: August 2011

I don’t know about you but I love it when school starts. I love seeing the children scampering off of the bus heading for home with brightly color pictures in hand and ear to ear grins on their faces. I can just hear them bursting in the door, their back […]
Kid’s Play-Do Soap
This morning I received an e-mail from our UPS representative about disruptions in operations along the East Coast. I’ve attached the text from the email for you to read. Localized evacuations in preparation for Hurricane Irene are causing unavoidable service delays along the Eastern coastline of the United States. No […]
Hurricane Irene – UPS Shipping Alert

I have decided it is far time we gave you an update about Sadie. The little fur ball has gotten quite big now and her antics are the center of many discussions. Did you know that she cries and whines and yowls when people leave for work? You can hear […]
Sadie Update!

Today we will finish another week of answering Cupboard Challenge recipes! We will make the lotion recipe that Barbara requested to use lanolin. I formulated this fantastic lotion to meet Barbara’s requirements. Like yesterday, this recipe uses only 2% lanolin. This allows the lanolin to contribute texture without also contributing […]
Making Lotion from Barbara’s Cupboard

Barbara asked for lotion or lip balm recipes that used lanolin, but she wanted to mask the odor of the lanolin without using too much flavor.Today I’ll share a lip balm that I formulated to meet Barbara’s requirements. Since this was a simple request, I formulated a recipe that used […]
Making Lip Balm from Barbara’s Cupboard

The last request of Diane’s was for a lip balm. I tackled Diane’s lip balm with vigor. She has some oils that are a treat for the lips, so this lip balm is a perfect pampering treat. As a review, here are the ingredients in her cupboard. Wheat Germ Oil […]
Making Lip Balm from Diane’s Cupboard

Continuing with Diane’s cupboard, I formulated a lotion that uses some of her oils along with other needed ingredients to make a moisturizing lotion. As a review, here are the ingredients in her cupboard. Wheat Germ Oil Green Tea Butter Orange Butter Aloe Extract Lanolin Coconut Oil As I mentioned […]
Making Lotion from Diane’s Cupboard

Today, we will start with Diane’s cupboard. She asked me for a moisturizing soap recipe as well as a lotion and lip balm that would use her ingredients in her cupboard. Here are the ingredients in her cupboard. Wheat Germ Oil Green Tea Butter Orange Butter Aloe Extract Lanolin Coconut […]
Making Soap from Diane’s Cupboard

Since I made that Mountain Man Bar several weeks ago, I decided I wanted to make a cream to match. I wanted to make a similar recipe to what would have been around at the time with a few modern modifications. (I will be using a preservative and an emulsifier.) This […]
Mountain Man Cream

Since Andee did that segment of kitchen spices in cold process soap, whenever I make something (anything for that matter), I wonder about using it in soap. Ack! She has corrupted me! Will I ever be able to cook in peace again? [Seriously, I keep wondering about sesame seeds, nori […]
Parsley in Cold Process Soap

Yesterday, I showed you a picture of a lotion that did not use a preservative. That was really gross. Today, I would like to show you this same recipe with using a preservative. This is a really enjoyable recipe that I hope you try. I will be sending these to […]