Monthly Archives: March 2016

I’m tickled that the spring flowers are beginning to blossom. The crocuses are blooming and I even have one iris that has begun to open! I’ve been thinning my garden and trying to prevent the deer from eating all the tulips before the leaves are even a few inches high. […]

April 2016 Monthly Calendar

I have to admit that until a few years ago, I hadn’t ever considered visiting Antelope Island State Park. My first visit taught me more about Antelope Island than I thought it would. I’ve started making time to visit and I’ve been practicing photography of the island, water and the […]

Great Salt Lake Brine Soap

Today is Easter! Goodness, it seems like not that long ago we were celebrating the new year! Where has the time gone? While you may have plans for Easter, we just wanted to wish you a fabulous day! We hope it is full of fun, sunshine and laughter.  

It’s Easter!

One of my favorite desserts is Creme Brulee with a fresh strawberry on top. My first introduction to Creme Brulee was as a teenager at nice steakhouse we had gone to for a birthday celebration. I remember learning how to crack the hard caramelized sugar surface and eat the creamy […]

Super Easy & Decadent Creme Brulee Lip Gloss