Monthly Archives: February 2013

At the beginning of February, I shared a picture of a large carrot with you. I asked if I should make a soap with the carrot. Your responses helped me decide that I would make a soap with carrot juice. I wanted to make sure that my soap succeeded, so […]

Carrot Juice Soap

Wow! If I had waited much longer it would not be Tuesday! This last week has been very weird. I spent a few days in Tacoma Washington and really put in my head that there is no snow on the ground and spring is coming. Well, I got home and […]

Tea Tuesday!

Test! Test! Test! We have a test! I have been singing that little phrase all day long. I had a former teacher who would walk into the classroom singing that. I still laugh remembering the panic ensued, particularly if an exam wasn’t on the schedule. I still have not met […]

A Testing Test!

Now that we have had our adventure in a Chinese hospital and all your well wishes gave me such a speedy recovery, I thought we should finish our Coffee goodie basket. I am so excited! Are you ready? What other things do you want to make with Coffee Oil? What […]

Coffee Oil Lotion

What an enjoyable and information packed class! We had several students that were new to making lotion from scratch and I even heard that this was more fun than cooking! The following areas were discussed in details; equipment, ingredients, terminology and the math. Then after doing the math we made […]

Making Lotion from Scratch Class