Summer Foot Soak 5

Do you know those days when you feel like you have been on your feet ALL day? I have those days, and my feet can ache from all the standing, walking and flexing they have done.

Finished foot soaks in bags and loose form.

Finished foot soaks in bags and loose form.

Good shoes can definitely help, but I still want to soothe my feet at the end of the day. So I headed to the kitchen and whipped up this yummy summer foot soak to pamper my feet and help them feel better after those long days.

This multi-purpose foot soak is awesome because it can be bagged in the Heat Sealable Tea Bags for easy tub or foot bath clean up. It can also be left loose, mixed with a little water to make a paste, and then used like a mask. Either way you use it, your feet will be treated to a little luxury!

Let’s head off to the blog kitchen and make a batch together!


Collect needed items:


Peppermint Leaves
Milk Powder
Calendula Petals
Mokalata Fragrance


Small Heat & Seal Tea Bags
Mixing Bowl or Bucket
Coffee Grinder or Mortar & Pestle


Recipe for 3.52 ounces:

1.06 ounces Oatmeal
0.81 ounces Peppermint Leaves
0.53 ounces Natrasorb
0.53 ounces Milk Powder
0.46 ounces Calendula Petals
0.10 ounces Hydrovance
0.03 ounces Mokalata Fragrance

Recipe for 100 grams:

30 grams Oatmeal
23 grams Peppermint Leaves
15 grams Natrasorb
15 grams Milk Powder
13 grams Calendula Petals
3 grams Hydrovance
1 gram Mokalata Fragrance

Recipe in Percentages

30% Oatmeal
23% Peppermint Leaves
15% Natrasorb
15% Milk Powder
13% Calendula Petals
3% Hydrovance
1% Mokalata Fragrance


Weigh all the dry ingredients except the Natrasorb into a mixing bucket or bag. Weigh the Hydrovance and Mokalata fragrance and add to the dry ingredients. Mix thoroughly.

Weigh the Natrasorb and add the the mixture and mix again. After the ingredients have been completely mixed together, fill each small Heat & Seal Tea Bag with 2 teaspoons of the foot soak mixture. Seal with the iron.

Weighing the ground Oatmeal.

Weighing the ground Oatmeal.

Adding the Peppermint Leaves.

Adding the Peppermint Leaves.

Added the ground Calendula.

Added the ground Calendula.

Added the Milk Powder.

Added the Milk Powder.


This recipe filled 27 Small Heat & Seal Tea Bags.

Why did I use a coffee grinder? I didn’t want to deal with whole oats or Calendula Petals, because my previous experiences have taught me that having a combination of large and small ingredients meant my soak would not mix together easily. I like making things easy, so I pulled out my soap kitchen botanical (ehm, coffee) grinder. This trusty grinder has a blade and a small cup so I can grind small amounts of botanicals at a time. If you want to make larger batches at a time of finely ground botanicals, I would recommend using a food processor or blender.

Adding Hydrovance and Mokalata Fragrance.

Adding Hydrovance and Mokalata Fragrance.

Mixing the ingredients together.

Mixing the ingredients together.

Why did I choose the ingredients that I used? Let’s talk about each one.

Oatmeal: I think oatmeal adds a soothing feel to any bath product. It seems that oats give a body to any product that makes that product feel luxurious.

Peppermint Leaves: Since I’m making a foot product, I wanted to use something that would give a cooling sensation to the feet. The peppermint leaves give that sensation without the strong irritation that could happen with Menthol Crystals or Peppermint Essential Oil.

Natrasorb: Natrasorb helps carry fragrances and other liquid additives so this was a great ingredient to add to help give the foot soak volume. It also made the mixture lighter so the bags wouldn’t feel like there were pebbles inside.

Adding the Natrasorb to the mixture.

Adding the Natrasorb to the mixture.

Completely mixed foot soak.

Completely mixed foot soak.

Milk Powder: I added Milk Powder because I think milk is a great skin soother. I’m not sure if it is all in my head or not, but I enjoy milk baths and soaks!

Calendula Petals: I chose Calendula because it is noted for anti-inflammatory properties as well as it’s ability to combat dry, rough, and scaly skin. (That sounds like my feet.)

Hydrovance: I added Hydrovance as a humectant. The goal is to treat the feet by helping them retain the moisture from the foot soak.

Mokalata Fragrance: I wanted a fragrance that would complement the scents of the botanicals. It did, and this foot soak smells so good!

I hope I’ve inspired you to try a foot soak! If you don’t have all of these ingredients in your cupboard, let’s formulate something just for you.


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About Andee

Director of Happiness. I'm a thirty-something soap snob. I've grown up with handmade soaps, and I love them! I really like making lotions, soaps, and perfumes. I adore mixing scents to come up with something new. My favorite scent is either Wicked or Cotton Candy. I tend to hoard fragrances, I even have an Earl Grey Tea from the MMS catalog. I won't tell you how old it is, but it sure is good!

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5 thoughts on “Summer Foot Soak

  • Grey Dove

    Lovely recipe, thank you!
    One question, could you substitute glycerin for the hydrovance?

    And may I add as a life long sufferer from very cold feet some times leaving out ingredients that have a cooling effect, or even putting ones with a warming effect would be really nice. I use ginger and cinnamon in my soaks, I wish there were more recipes out there that didn’t use peppermint. Thank you for including the herb rather than the essential oil.

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    • Andee Post author

      You can easily substitute Liquid Glycerin for Hydrovance.

      I also have cold feet and I totally understand the desire not to have a cooling effect. This recipe is easy to change by switching the Peppermint to any other botanical of your choice. I think Chamomile or Rose Buds and Petals would be a great alternative.

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    • Andee Post author

      You can easily use any other botanicals instead. Chamomile, Rose Buds, or even Lavender. Try something that you like!

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