New Product Tuesday! 14

Let it rain! Let it rain! Let it rain!

Recent rains have encouraged our gardens to grow and today, the rain has also encouraged our catalog to grow!

What are the newest products in the catalog?

We’ve added some new extracts after many requests from customers like you! What extracts are they? St John’s Wort Extract and Witch Hazel Extract! These oil soluble extracts are great additions to lotions and creams. Where would you add them?

We offer a really cool Free Gifts Program for our customers. If your item total qualifies, you can get awesome things like Coffee, Yummies, Mail Art, and Zany Fun Things. We have added 5 more coffees to the Free Gifts Program and they are F.A.B.U.L.O.U.S! Try Aztec Dark, Ethiopian Arabian Night, Highlander Grogg, French Roast Blend or the Vienna Roast Blend today! I think you will find a new favorite just like I have.

6081599Frogs Soap Mold
These adorable frogs hopped into the office today with all the rain! Splish splash away and take a bath with a frog today.

White Kaolin Clay
One of my favorite clays! It is finally back in the catalog after a long hiatus. Kaolin clay makes silky soaps that have me sighing in delight. Try some today and discover what luxurious things clay soaps are.

I hope you enjoy the newest products! Which one are you looking forward to the most? Log in and comment on the blog! I’ve got some freebies for the first 10 people who comment!


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About Andee

Director of Happiness. I'm a thirty-something soap snob. I've grown up with handmade soaps, and I love them! I really like making lotions, soaps, and perfumes. I adore mixing scents to come up with something new. My favorite scent is either Wicked or Cotton Candy. I tend to hoard fragrances, I even have an Earl Grey Tea from the MMS catalog. I won't tell you how old it is, but it sure is good!

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14 thoughts on “New Product Tuesday!

  • LuAnn R.

    I am super excited to try your new extracts! I have infused both of those herbs in oil for lotions and balms, but extracts are awesome!
    I have to say I LOVE the frog! I’m not big on using individual molds, but that frog is so cute!!

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  • Cee

    Hey Andee, I have a grandson and 2 grand-nephews that would love to bathe with frogs! That mold is so cute, BUT, I do CP and I’m wondering if there’s a way to get the sharp detail shown in the pic? And what colorant would I use? I’m also wondering if there’s a soap formula that would work better than my normal PKO, palm and olive? HELP! Please and thank you!

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    • Andee Post author

      I love the frog too!

      Here is what I know about making CP soap in individual molds.

      • The starting temperatures need to be around 115 to 125. The small cavities loose heat so easily. We want the soap to gel.
      • The best formulas for these molds are ones that make harder bars. If the recipe is high in oils that are solid at room temperature, you should be good. High superfats are harder to unmold!
      • Non-saponifiable mold release agents are critical! Vaseline, mineral oil or silicone spray are great for releasing soap from the mold.

      For a green color, I would use Mint Green with a little bit of Black Onyx. If you want a brighter green like the picture, you will probably blend Moss Green, Saturn Yellow and Titanium Dioxide.

      I hope this helps!

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  • April

    Oh my goodness, the frog is cute! Looking forward to trying the new extracts 🙂

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      • April

        The St. John’s, there’s a huge list of things its supposed to be good for, of course I’d be careful to look for proven results before I go concocting something with it 😉
        I’m certain witch hazel will be on my same order though!

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  • LuAnn R.

    While I am excited to try out the new extracts listed above, I also was looking on the page where all of these extracts are listed. I didn’t realize that you now carry Jewelweed and yarrow extracts! I see a new order in the near future!! 🙂

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