Rose Otto Body Butter

I have been having so much fun trying out all the different bases at MMS that I have another recipe for you with an interesting scent. Bulgarian Rose Otto is a scent that takes me back to my Great Aunt’s house back in California where I grew up. She and her husband never had any children so she spent all of her time and effort in her gardens. She had dozens and dozens of rose bushes and I used to love smelling them. She always had a vase of roses on her kitchen table.Bulgarian Rose Otto is an essential oil that is extremely strong. We used so little in an entire gallon of Body Butter and we got an awesome rose scent out of just a few drops. Typically it takes at least a half ounce to an ounce of fragrance oil to get this type of potency. Wow! Hopefully this will inspire you to try this at home yourself!


Bulgarian Rose Otto
1 gallon Body Butter Base

Soap Spoon
Plastic Bag
Small Beaker

Recipe yields approximately 115 ounces.

Recipe in Grams

0.8 grams Bulgarian Rose Otto
1 gallon Body Butter Base

Recipe in Ounces

0.03 ounces Bulgarian Rose Otto
1 gallon Body Butter Base


Measure out 0.8 grams of the Rose Otto into a beaker and pour into the gallon bucket. Mix with a soap spoon until you are too tired to continue and then scoop into your large plastic bag. Knead the bag for a couple of minutes to ensure that the Rose Otto is mixed in well in the the Body Butter Base. If it helps you can put some color into the base. Once your color is mixed then you know your scent is mixed in. Pour into your containers.


If you would like to see how incredible this scent is in a cream please request it on your next order. I am sending 115 samples down to the shipping department so that you can see just how delicate and wonderful this scent is in a cream.



Finished product


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0 thoughts on “Rose Otto Body Butter

  • sarah

    I almost bought some of this yesterday when I placed my order!! >.<~! Would love a sample *if* my box hasn't shipped out yet. If it's too late – no worries. I will just lust after it for next time!

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    • Joy

      I apologize for my delay in answering. Mondays are the craziest days at MMS, but I did get the note to shipping to place the sample in your order! I hope you love it!

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  • caren

    I myself do not like the smell of roses, I don’t know, maybe I’m weird. I have some friends that would love the scent, and because it is not a regular fragrance oil, they would probably love it. Glad to know that you only need a dab, so the price is not as bad as it seems. I’ll add it to my wish list, as it gets longer and longer.

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    • Joy

      The smell of roses isn’t for everyone so I don’t think it is weird. I don’t like certain flower scents either.

      I have the same problem with my wish list. When I first started my fun concoctions at home I got so excited about the possibilities that I started making a list of items that I wanted to buy on my iPad and before I knew it I was into the hundreds of dollars. At least I have something to refer to when I want to make a gift or something fun for myself, right?

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  • sarah

    I received a sample of this today (thank you thank you thank you) it is amazing. Not cloying at all – light but still totally fragrant. Wow!!! I didn’t realize that less than 1 gram can scent an entire gallon!!!!

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    • Joy

      When I was mixing this up I couldn’t believe it either! Good thing a little goes a long way because Rose Otto is a little pricey right now but it is an excellent smell.

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