Last night I spent my Thursday evening cleaning. (Yep, the glamorous job of cleaning.) The counters sparkle, the floor has been cleaned and the microwave could double as a mirror! However, with all of that washing of my hands, they are feeling very dry. This is driving me crazy. So, I wanted to make a quick lotion for the dry hands so I could enjoy the weekend the way I wanted to. I plan for some beading and some sewing and it drives me batty when my hands catch on my projects. Egads! Come join me in the kitchen for a quick batch of lotion!
We normally don’t consider Hydrogenated Soy to be a common oil in lotions. However, I wanted it in this formulation to protect the skin from drying out. You need a barrier to prevent the moisture in the skin from evaporating.
I also used Tamanu Oil in this formulation. I have seen this oil work really well on really dry and cracked skin. I wanted to help the dryness I was noticing in my cuticles. Trust me, if I am not looking, my cuticles can get extremely dry.
Another ingredient I used was Hydrovance. Hydrovance is a moisturizer. I wanted this in my formulation because I was trying to combat dry hands. While Glycerin is also a great moisturizer, I feel glycerin can lend a sticky, tacky feel and doesn’t have a long time moisturizing oomph that Hydrovance does.
Needed Materials
Hydrogenated Soy
Tamanu Oil
Shea Butter
Emulsifying Wax
Liquid Germall Plus
Intense Almond Fragrance Oil
Recipe in Ounces
1.41 oz Hydrogenated Soy
0.42 oz Tamanu Oil
0.42 oz Shea Butter
0.71 oz Emulsifying Wax
0.56 oz Hydrovance
10.4 oz Water
0.04 oz Liquid Germall Plus
0.04 oz Intense Almond Fragrance Oil
Recipe in Percentages
10% Hydrogenated Soy
3% Tamanu Oil
3% Shea Butter
5% Emulsifying Wax
4% Hydrovance
73.7% Water
0.3% Liquid Germall Plus
0.3% Intense Almond Fragrance Oil
Weigh everything except the Liquid Germall Plus and the Intense Almond Fragrance Oil into a microwave safe container. Heat gently until everything is liquid. Stir well. Allow the solution to cool below 120 ° F and add the Liquid Germall Plus and the Intense Almond Fragrance Oil. Stir well. Put the lotion into containers. Enjoy!
Finished Lotion
Weighing Ingredients
Weighing Ingredients
Melted Oils
Mixing Lotion
Adding Fragrance Oil
Adding Preservative
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Rating: 4.7/5 (3 votes cast)
Quick After Cleaning Lotion, 4.7 out of 5 based on 3 ratings
I LOVE hydrogenated oils on lips too!