Thick Argan Oil Foot Cream 3

Finished Cream

Welcome back! Yesterday Andee featured our Argan Oil and I learned some things about Argan Oil. Did you? I loved the picture of the goats in the trees. That really made me laugh! Let’s head to the kitchen to make a foot cream with this wonderful oil!I had wanted to make a foot cream because our feet see a lot of wear and tear. Don’t try to deny it. Our feet put up with a lot every single day. I wanted a cream that would pamper the tootsies we make work so hard everyday. I loosely based this recipe off of the Book Worm Tootsie Cream that Andee made a while ago. Let go see why I chose the oils I did and then we can dive into the kitchen. Race you!I used the High Melt Point Shea as I wanted a thicker cream with a lot of intensity. With the High Melt Point Shea Butter, you get the same creamy feeling but with a thicker texture. A lotion bar or lip balm has a lot of drag where this has intense moisturizer without feeling greasy. This would also be a perfect cream for a man who has really dry skin.

I also decided to use Hydrovance instead of glycerin in this cream. Don’t get me wrong. Glycerin is a wonderful additive but it can  sometimes be a little sticky.  I was looking for a cream that was thick and moisturizing but not have a sticky after feel. Hydrovance is also a humectant that helps keep the skin moisturized which means the skin stays soft.

Weighing Oils

Another ingredient I used was Dimethicone. Dimethicone adds slip and glide while reducing any sticky feeling there might be. Dimethicone also imparts a velvety feel. I think adding a little Dimethicone to a lotion recipe gives the skin a new and regenerated feeling.

I also added a small percentage of Castor Oil to this recipe. The Castor Oil was intended to help build viscosity while giving the cream a very smooth glide. In smaller percentages, I find Castor adds a very creamy feel to formulations. This is part of why it is a favorite of mine when making lip balms and lip glosses. 🙂

Weighing Oils

I also added a variety of extracts. I love how the extracts can add some extra oomph to a lip balm, cream, lotion, body butter or massage oil. They really seem to go the extra mile. I added Sea Buckthorn Extract, Horsetail Extract and Chamomile Extract.

Needed Materials

Mango Butter
Shea Butter, High Melt Point
Argan Oil
Emulsifying Wax
Castor Oil
Horsetail Grass Extract
Chamomile Extract
Sea Buckthorn Extract
Liquid Germall Plus
Oatmeal, Milk and Honey Fragrance Oil
Microwave Safe Container


Recipe in Grams
350 grams Water
200 grams Mango Butter
190 grams Shea Butter, High Melt Point
50 grams Dimethicone
50 grams Argan Oil
50 grams Emulsifying Wax
40 grams Hydrovance
30 grams Castor Oil
10 grams Horsetail Grass Extract
10 grams Chamomile Extract
10 grams Sea Buckthorn Extract
5 grams Liquid Germall Plus
5 grams Oatmeal, Milk and Honey Fragrance Oil
Recipe in Ounces
12.35 oz Water
7.05 oz Mango Butter
6.70 oz Shea Butter, High Melt Point
1.76 oz Dimethicone
1.76 oz Argan Oil
1.76 oz Emulsifying Wax
1.41 oz Hydrovance
1.06 oz Castor Oil
0.35 oz Horsetail Grass Extract
0.35 oz Chamomile Extract
0.35 oz Sea Buckthorn Extract
0.18 oz Liquid Germall Plus
0.18 oz Oatmeal, Milk and Honey Fragrance Oil
Recipe in Percentages
35% Water
20% Mango Butter
19% Shea Butter, High Melt Point
5% Dimethicone
5% Argan Oil
5% Emulsifying Wax
4% Hydrovance
3% Castor Oil
1% Horsetail Grass Extract
1% Chamomile Extract
1% Sea Buckthorn Extract
0.5% Liquid Germall Plus
0.5% Oatmeal, Milk and Honey Fragrance Oil


Weigh everything except the Liquid Germall Plus, Oatmeal Milk and Honey Fragrance Oil and the extracts into a microwave safe container. Heat gently until everything is liquid. Stir well. Allow the solution to cool below 120 ° F and add the Liquid Germall Plus, Oatmeal Milk and Honey Fragrance Oil and the extracts. Stir well. Put the lotion into containers. Enjoy!

Weighing Ingredients

Heated Mixture

Heated Mixture

Mixing Cream

Adding Fragrance Oil, Preservative and Extracts to cooled lotion

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Thick Argan Oil Foot Cream, 4.7 out of 5 based on 3 ratings

About Taylor

I'm a twenty something happy, animal loving, curious experimenter. I love reaching back into history and trying old recipes for cosmetics or foods. I'm constantly asking "Why?" My curiosity has me trying new things. I love taking walks with my dog as well as staying at home to cuddle with the dog and my cats. Some of my favorite scents include Hinoki Wood, Rose Garden, Jasmine and Gladiator.

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3 thoughts on “Thick Argan Oil Foot Cream

  • Julie Marcil

    Hi Taylor. This looks like a great foot cream.
    Something caught my eyes As I was reading the recipe. You only use 35% water. Since this would be considered a water in oil emulsion instead of the common oil in water emulsion, does the standard e-wax work well, or did you use a special one?
    I only try something like that once, but I could not get the cream to mix properly. It kept separating with a layer of oil on top.


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    • Taylor Post author

      I used the regular emulsifying wax.

      Perhaps I can work with you on your recipe.
      You can email me in private if you would like.


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  • Jodi


    I made this foot cream and love it! It is surprisingly fluffy and I don’t really understand the chemistry (i.e., it’s a W/O emulsion yet it works!) I made it exactly as described except for 2 changes: I used avocado oil instead of argan and used 3% Lotionpro 165 with 2% eWax. Also, I heated the water and oil phases separately to about 170F. Then I poured the water into the heated oils and stick blended for about 3 minutes. During cool-down I continually stirred until it reached about 110F. Then the preservative and fragrance were added. I was nervous, at first, because the cream was more liquid than other creams I’ve made with more water. It has not separated since I made it and my friends love it too.

    Thank you for this recipe,


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