Salt Soaps: A Perspective from Crystal, Part Two 2

Yesterday, I shared one of Crystal’s two posts about salt soap and I had promised I would share the second post today. I hope you find this post educational.

After a discussion on MMS Facebook page, I learned that you could add more Fine Dead Sea Salt to soap and it will be ok. Out of curiosity I made a test batch using 80% of the weight of oils as salt. This is the exact same recipe as Sea Salt Shine, just more salt. I made this batch a very tiny 5 oz. total weight in size.

Collect needed items:

Olive Oil
Coconut Oil
Shea Butter
Palm Oil
Avocado Oil
Distilled Water
Sodium Hydroxide
Dead Sea Salt Fine
Mixing container (I use pint wide mouth canning jars)
Stirring utensil I use popsicle sticks)
Soap Mold
Recipe in ounces:
Olive Oil – 1.83 oz.
Coconut Oil – 0.91 oz.
Palm Oil – 0.37 oz.
Shea Butter – 0.37 oz
Avocado Oil – 0.18 oz.
Fragrance – 0.04 oz
Dead Sea Salt – 2.92 oz.

Distilled Water – 1.21 oz.
Sodium Hydroxide – 0.51 oz.

Recipe in grams:
Olive Oil – 52g
Coconut Oil – 26 g
Palm Oil – 11 g
Shea Butter – 11 g
Avocado Oil – 5g
Fragrance – 1 g
Dead Sea Salt – 83g

Distilled Water – 34 g
Sodium Hydroxide – 15g

First step I like to always take is mixing the sodium hydroxide and water together, so it can start cooling. However, when working with such a small batch I will weigh out my oils first, as you can melt the oils in the microwave. Also the smaller amount of Lye water cools faster than a large batch.

Weigh out oils, mix your lye solution, and bring both to approximately 125 degrees F. I work with temperatures of either mixture to be within 5 degrees of each other. Exact temperature is not critical.

Combine oils and lye solution. Stir until thin trace. This step for this small of a batch took less than 30 seconds. Add your fragrance, stir thoroughly, stir in your sea salt, pour into your selected mold. My trial size mold is a silicone cupcake pan from Wal-Mart, it does impart a little bit of a pinkish tint to the bottom of my soaps, but I am the only one using so I figure it does not hurt anything. 🙂
After 12 – 24 hours unmold and let cure for several weeks before use.

Observation : A little longer in the mold before the bars would release. With very little to no sweating on the surface of the soap.

My surprise: the surface of the soap is so smooth, like soft as a polished stone. I am so excited to try this bar out in the shower! I believe I have found a new recipe! 🙂

Adding lye to water.

Adding the lye solution to the oils.

Mixing the oils and lye solution together.

Completely mixed soap.

Adding the salt to the raw soap.

Finished soaps as they are curing.

Soap in the mold.

Now it is time for a comparison:

When formulating your own recipe take into consideration the extra volume added to the batch by increasing the salt to 80% of the weight in oils. As you can see from the photos, the original 6% salt batch resulted in 11/2 bars of soap. The 80% salt batch resulted in 2 full bars of soap. Each weighing approximately 3 oz. The 80% salt bars are also whiter.

I hope everyone finds this post to be helpful and informative.

Thank you,

Dirty Water Soap Works

Comparison of soaps as they are in the mold.

Comparison of curing soaps.

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About Andee

Director of Happiness. I'm a thirty-something soap snob. I've grown up with handmade soaps, and I love them! I really like making lotions, soaps, and perfumes. I adore mixing scents to come up with something new. My favorite scent is either Wicked or Cotton Candy. I tend to hoard fragrances, I even have an Earl Grey Tea from the MMS catalog. I won't tell you how old it is, but it sure is good!

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2 thoughts on “Salt Soaps: A Perspective from Crystal, Part Two

  • Kinky Witch

    Now that you’ve broken down salt bars to a very small batch size I am quite intrigued. Aside from the avocado oil, I believe I have all those ingredients on hand. I can see this being a project for the weekend.

    Thanks for sharing!


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  • dirtywatersoap

    Robin, in my opinion, I do not like the 80% salt….this is the first time I have tried it, I really do not like the “feel” of the soap. Just my two cents! 🙂 I think this weekend I will try Tess’s version of the more salt to see how her recipe feels compared to mine.

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