Cold Process Soap: Half and Half Method with Almond Milk 11

Hydrated Almonds.

Ready for final part of milk cold process soap? We are going to follow the same recipe and steps as the posts before, but we are going to use Almond Milk instead. I made fresh Almond Milk using the SoyaPower Plus Soy Milk Maker and pressed the “Beans +” button.

Almonds in water to make almond milk.

Again, here are the directions that we will follow in a step by step format.

1) Calculate the amount of lye and liquid needed for the oils you plan to use.

2) Measure all of the oils and set aside to heat gently.

Fresh Almond Milk.

3) Measure the lye and set aside.

4) Measure HALF of the needed liquid as water and set aside. Measure HALF of the needed liquid as milk and set aside. Milk should be room temperature, not frozen or heated.

Oils ready to be melted.

5) Add ALL of the lye to the water. Stir well. No crystals should remain on the bottom of your mixing vessel. When the temperature of this lye solution is within 110° F to 130° F, (cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, cooler for large batches and warmer for small batches), add it to the oil mixture. Blend with an immersion blender until you estimate you are halfway through the mixing process. This will happen with most oils in about 1 minute. The mixture should NOT be thick or viscous. The mixture should be very fluid, like water.

Adding lye to the water.

6) Now steadily pour the milk into the batch. Use the immersion blender to finish the blending so there is no chance of separation.

7) Add fragrance. Pour into prepared SHALLOW molds (1 inch deep or so). Milk soaps can get very hot and shallow molds help the excess heat dump into the air. This will prevent the milk sugars from interrupting the saponification reaction.

This is called the Half and Half Method, because you use half water, half milk, and add the milk half way through the blending of the batch.

Collect needed items:

Hydrogenated Soybean Oil
Coconut Oil
Olive Oil
Sodium Hydroxide
Almond Milk
Soap Spoon
Extra Large Square Tray Mold
Square Tray Mold
Immersion Blender
Time spent:
Weighing time: 8 minutes
Adding lye to water: 15 seconds, followed by 60 seconds of stirring
Heating of oils time: 3 minutes
Pouring lye solution into the fat mixture: 10 seconds
Using immersion blender to mix soap solution: 90 seconds
Adding milk to the batch: 20 seconds
Using immersion blender to completely mix milk into soap: 40 seconds
Pour into molds: 60 seconds
Allow soap to rest: 24 hours
Recipe in ounces:
40 ounces weight Hydrogenated Soybean Oil
20 ounces weight Coconut Oil
20 ounces weight Olive Oil

11.1 ounces Sodium Hydroxide
15 fluid ounces Almond Milk
15 fluid ounces Water

Notes: I will also show you a picture of the Almond Meal leftover from making the Almond Milk. I showed you some of the almonds with their skins still on so they could still be easily recognized, but the Almond Milk is best if you take the time to slip the skins off the hydrated almonds.

Don’t forget to give me your guesses on the final colors of the soaps! We will see a cut soap comparison on Monday!

Don’t forget to submit your blog or video posts to win the MMS Perfumer’s Kit. Remember, this kit is worth $280! Submissions are due by March 1st for posts during February.

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Mixing the lye solution.

Mixing the batch to halfway to trace.

Adding the Almond Milk to the batch.

Filling the first mold.

Adding the lye solution to the melted oils.

The batch is ready for the milk to be added.

Beginning to pour the batch into the mold.

Pouring the last bit of soap out of the mixing bucket.

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Cold Process Soap: Half and Half Method with Almond Milk, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

About Andee

Director of Happiness. I'm a thirty-something soap snob. I've grown up with handmade soaps, and I love them! I really like making lotions, soaps, and perfumes. I adore mixing scents to come up with something new. My favorite scent is either Wicked or Cotton Candy. I tend to hoard fragrances, I even have an Earl Grey Tea from the MMS catalog. I won't tell you how old it is, but it sure is good!

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11 thoughts on “Cold Process Soap: Half and Half Method with Almond Milk

  • kathybma

    Here are my guesses:
    cow’s milk: pale pale tan
    goat’s milk: white
    buttermilk: yellow
    soy milk: yellow
    almond milk: pinky-tan

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  • elena

    I’ll give a try to this almond milk soap in the next few days 🙂 I was thinking about leaving some of the almond ‘pulp’ (sorry I can’t think to a better term for that, my english is very far from good!) in the soap, to give some texture. I’ve seen some batch with coconut pulp in, and I think that almonds will work just fine. What do you suggest? How many tablespoons of it, for a 1kg (35 ounces) of oils?

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  • Taylor

    Maybe about 1 ounce (30 g, or 3% of the fixed oils) of the almond
    meal could go in the batch.
    I would not want to add a lot of the material because we have to remember
    the process of all living things (life, death, compost).

    Do let us know how this works!

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  • lisa

    I really like the simplicity of this recipe! Could it be possible to only use olive oil? & if so how many ounces should I use? Thanks

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    • Tina

      You can use olive oil but you should be prepared for a slow to trace processes as well as a very soft soap for several weeks. After about 6 to 8 weeks olive oil soaps can be very hard.

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      • sarah

        Hi Tina, why is it that if 100% olive oil soaps are very hard at the 8 week mark, then why do they say that you have to cure olive oil soap for months or even 1 year? I am confused about this..

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        • Tina

          You know, I don’t know why people say to do this. I think of the story of how a young bride cut the end off the roast before putting it in the oven. When her new husband asked why she said she did this because her mother did it. So, the young husband asked his mother in-law why she cut the end off the roast. She said she did it because her mother did it! So, the family gathered round the matriarch and the young husband asked “Grandma, why do you cut the end off the roast before putting it in the oven?” Her reply was that her pan was always smaller than the roast so she had to cut the end off.

          Aging soap for months on end is silly. Aging for a year is hilarious. Having super-fatted soap turn rancid while waiting for the aging process to end is a great tragedy.


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  • Annie Enoch-Ajibola

    Soap making with Almond milk, after pouring into the mould do I put it in the refridgerator as I would with goat milk or do I insulate it as usual?

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    • Andee Post author

      Treat a soap with Almond Milk like you would your goat milk soap. I don’t refrigerate any of my milk soaps. I do pour into shallow molds.

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  • vanessa


    i tried this recipe to the T. I cut it in half because it makes more than 5 pounds of soap. I ended up scorching the milk because it never says the temperature to add milk etc… also, i ended up making it a spice bar. Its yellow in color and getting lighter. My home made almond milk was raw and sprouted so i was very disappointed to scorch it. Ill just stick with my milk frozen cubes and pour lye flakes over it till it reaches temperature etc. even this recipe cut in half almost overflowed my slab mold. thanks for the inspiration though!!

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