Lotion Bar with Acai Butter 4

Cooled Lotion Bar on my finger.

Cooled Lotion Bar on my finger.

Recently we added Acai Butter to our catalog, and we have received several questions about what products can be made with this fun butter. Our response? Use it anywhere you would use other similar butters such as Shea, Mango, Almond or Olive Butters. Today, I’ll show you how to make our Lotion Bar Recipe with Acai Butter instead of Shea Butter.

Collect needed items:

Cocoa Butter, Regular, Deodorized or White.
Acai Butter
Sweet Almond Oil
Vitamin E Acetate
Microwave safe container for weighing ingredients
Transfer Pipettes
Containers for the finished products (I’m using Lotion Bar Tubes)

Recipe: (Makes 6 ounces)

Recipe in ounces
1.5 ounces Beeswax
1 ounce Cocoa Butter
1.5 ounces Acai Butter
2 ounces Sweet Almond Oil
0.08 ounces Vitamin E Acetate
Recipe in grams
42.5 grams Beeswax
28.4 grams Cocoa Butter
42.5 grams Acai Butter
56.7 grams Sweet Almond Oil
2.1 grams Vitamin E Acetate
Recipe in Percentages
25% Beeswax
16% Cocoa Butter
25% Acai Butter
33% Sweet Almond Oil
1% Vitamin E Acetate

Collect needed supplies.

Collect needed supplies.

Weigh all ingredients.

Weigh all ingredients.

Weigh all ingredients into your microwave safe container. Microwave using shorts bursts of time until all of the ingredients are melted. It took me about 2-1/2 minutes, stirring about every 30 seconds. Once all the ingredients have been melted, pour into your lotion bar tubes or molds. Allow to cool completely before capping or removing from molds. The final lotion bar will be a beautiful tan color. This recipe will fill 9 Lotion Bar Tubes and each tube will contain approximately 0.64 ounces of product.

Completely melted and ready to pour.

Completely melted and ready to pour.

There are specks of the Acai Seed in this butter, so don’t be alarmed by any particles that will settle down on the bottom of your microwave safe container.

Filled lotion bar tubes.

Filled lotion bar tubes.

If you would like to add a fragrance, use our Fragrance Calculator to calculate the amount of fragrance you want. Simply choose the “Lotion, Cream and Body Butter” product option and the weight of the complete recipe for the first step, then choose the fragrance or essential oil of your choice and click on the “Calculate” button on the bottom of the screen.

Merry Christmas!


Cooled lotion bars.

Cooled lotion bars.

Acai Seed particles that have settled to the bottom of the beaker.

Acai Seed particles that have settled to the bottom of the beaker.

2015 Note: Acai Butter has been discontinued since this blog post was originally written in 2009. Excellent alternatives for Acai Butter would be Shea, Mango, Almond or Olive Butters as well as an other butters/oils that are solid at room temperature but not brittle.

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About Andee

Director of Happiness. I'm a thirty-something soap snob. I've grown up with handmade soaps, and I love them! I really like making lotions, soaps, and perfumes. I adore mixing scents to come up with something new. My favorite scent is either Wicked or Cotton Candy. I tend to hoard fragrances, I even have an Earl Grey Tea from the MMS catalog. I won't tell you how old it is, but it sure is good!

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