I thought that rounding out our scrub week with a scrub specifically for the lips would be nice. This scrub is great for helping remove the dry skin on your lips.
Needed Items: Recipe: 0.50 ounce Macadamia Nut Butter Weigh the Macadamia Nut Butter and Macadamia Nut Oil together and heat until melted, about 30-45 seconds in the microwave. Mix well. Weigh and add the Vitamin E. Weigh sugar and add sugar to oils, mixing well until all sugar is incorporated. This scrub will be thicker than a typical sugar scrub; you want it to have a putty-like texture. Finally, measure and add your chosen flavor oil. I used Cucumber Melon. The sweet smell from the sugar, combined with this flavor, created a tutti-frutti type aroma. I used the higher rate for my flavor, which is equivalent to 3% flavor. I would recommend the lower rate for really strong flavors such as Peppermint or Tea Tree. Check our Flavor Oil catalog section for recommended usage rates. Store in small jars. Exfoliating the lips is not a daily routine event. Exfoliating should take place periodically. After this scrub treatment, apply your favorite lip balm. Exfoliation and lip balm means smoother kissing in your future!
I thought that this lip scrub was a little too fruity for me and too gritty. I personally would have preferred using fine or extra fine sugar (caster sugar) and a flavor like coffee or honey.
The hardest thing to remember about the lip scrub is that it is a cosmetic and not a dessert topping.