New Fragrance Alert! Try the Fabulous Oh, My! Today

Oh, My! scented Goat Milk Cream in sample jars!

Oh, My! scented Goat Milk Cream in sample jars!

If you aren’t wanting to try a new fragrance, then I have to apologize in advance for my exuberant joy about Oh, My! With one sniff, a smile stretches across my face and I can’t help the giggles that follow. This refreshing scent is a fabulous combination of mint, butter and vanilla. (Some of the other gals here even told me they pick up a chocolate note, but I can’t quite pick it up!) There is even a slight hint of something berry that isn’t easily defined, but it seems to take this fragrance from yummy to exceptional!

I think this is one of the most versatile fragrances to cross my desk in some time and I can’t wait to use it! I think it would make a perfect set of products for any spa’s signature manicure and pedicure as well as a superb pick me up in my morning hair care products and moisturizers. Today, I’m scenting a pail of Goat Milk Cream with this wonderful scent so you can try a sample in your next order then tell me where you would use Oh, My!

Goat Milk Cream Base
Oh, My! Fragrance Oil
Plastic Bag


Recipe in Grams
3628 grams Goat Milk Cream Base
28 grams Oh, My! Fragrance Oil
Recipe in Ounces
128 ounces Goat Milk Cream Base
1 ounces Oh, My! Fragrance Oil
Recipe in Percentages
99.2% Goat Milk Cream Base
0.8% Oh, My! Fragrance Oil

Are you ready to get started? Open the pail of Goat Milk Cream. Add the fragrance. (This is a full 1 fl oz bottle.) Using a large spoon or spatula, stir in the fragrance. Make sure it has been mixed well. You don’t want a section that is hardly scented and a section that is strongly scented. If you want to add a color to your lotion, now is the time to do it! We decided to a little bit of our premixed Lemon Yellow to help us make sure we had mixed the fragrance into the base completely. The final color is a delicate butter yellow.


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About Andee

Director of Happiness. I'm a thirty-something soap snob. I've grown up with handmade soaps, and I love them! I really like making lotions, soaps, and perfumes. I adore mixing scents to come up with something new. My favorite scent is either Wicked or Cotton Candy. I tend to hoard fragrances, I even have an Earl Grey Tea from the MMS catalog. I won't tell you how old it is, but it sure is good!

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