During the HSCG Conference in Tampa, Florida; Andee and I gave out goodie bags of massage bars and blueberry flavored lip balms. They were both a hit! If you want to make the lip balm for yourself, check out Katy’s fabulous post! Not only is it super easy to make, but it is shockingly good too! Now don’t me wrong, the massage bar is equally impressive. It is easy to apply, holds up well in the heat and makes the skin feel dewy and velvety. I can even say first hand that it works well in both humid and dry climates. If you are looking for a non-oily, easy to make massage bar, this is the one. Come join me today to find out why!
I decided to scent this massage bar with our new fragrance Lemon Herb Fragrance Oil. I really like this scent because it is fresh and clean. Don’t let the name make you think of just hand soap and room fresheners. This fragrance oil is deceptively good! Now onto the really cool news. We have sent over 100 samples of this massage bar to the shipping department so if you are dying to try today’s recipe, let us know in the comments field of your next order! We will include a massage bar in your box of goodies.
Ingredients Castor Oil Cyclomethicone Dimethicone Conditioning Emulsifier Beeswax White Cocoa Butter Mango Butter Lemon Herb Fragrance Oil |
Equipment Scale Microwave Safe Container Spoons Pipettes |
Recipe in Grams 57.5 grams Castor Oil 230 grams Cyclomethicone 172.5 grams Dimethicone 57.5 grams Conditioning Emulsifier 172.5 grams Beeswax 172.5 grams White Cocoa Butter 287.5 grams Mango Butter 12.5 grams Lemon Herb Fragrance Oil |
Recipe in Ounces 2.03 oz Castor Oil 8.11 oz Cyclomethicone 6.08 oz Dimethicone 2.03 oz Conditioning Emulsifier 6.08 oz Beeswax 6.08 oz White Cocoa Butter 10.14 oz Mango Butter 0.45 oz Lemon Herb Fragrance Oil |
Recipe in Percentages 5% Castor Oil 19.8% Cyclomethicone 14.8% Dimethicone 5% Conditioning Emulsifier 14.8% Beeswax 14.8% White Cocoa Butter 24.7% Mango Butter 1.1% Lemon Herb Fragrance Oil |
Weigh everything except the Lemon Herb Fragrance Oil into a microwave safe container. Heat gently until everything is completely melted. This took about 3 minutes for me. If you are familiar with making lip balms and other salves, you know that there is a point that the mixture will become crystal clear. DO NOT expect that from this mixture. This recipe can be 160°F and it will still be cloudy, even though everything is melted. I recommend using your trusty thermometer for this project to prevent super-heating it. Stir the mixture well. Keep an eye out for anything that has not melted yet. If you see anything, keep stirring. The heat and the mild agitation with help your oils and waxes melt. When everything is fully melted, add the Lemon Herb Fragrance Oil. Stir the fragrance in well.
Fill the mini deodorant tubes and allow to cool. Cap, label and enjoy! See? How simple was that? Betty Crocker® wishes she had things this easy!
Note: If you don’t have Mango Butter on hand, try Shea Butter instead. It will feel a little different from the original recipe but it is an excellent butter to substitute.
Hi. How many bars does this recipe make and what is the size of the containers, please? TIA
This recipe is fairly large. It makes around 40 ounces. The deodorant tubes used in this recipe hold roughly 0.4 ounces of material. For this recipe I think I filled just around 100 deodorant tubes. I hope this helps!
Cheers, Katy