Beautiful Tuberose Flower. Photo credit to Chanae Anderson, https://www.flickr.com/photos/chanaeanderson/8107389341/
Hi everyone! Our latest and greatest product today is Tuberose Fragrance Oil. Once upon a time, as some of you may remember, we once had a fragrance oil in our catalog called Kailua Bay. Well now days that fragrance oil has been discontinued due to IFRA compatibility. So we went back to the drawing board and attempted to duplicate this scent. Tuberose is our solution to this problem. It is not exactly like our old Kailua Bay Fragrance but it comes in as a close second. Tuberose is a flower known for its beautiful white flowers and its unique smell! Tuberose is a very tropical scent with heavy floral notes of tropical flowers and rose. If one can’t go to Hawaii to enjoy the real thing, Tuberose Fragrance Oil will certainly introduce a calm, tropical tone to our abodes.
Tuberose Fragrance Oil would be fantastic in a roll on perfume or a lotion. In the end it is all up to you! I hope every one enjoys Tuberose Fragrance Oil!
Introducing Tuberose Fragrance Oil,
Katy, I’ve been biting my tongue ever since you started this series on new FO’s. I know you mean well, but saying EVERY MMS fragrance oil is “fantastic”, “amazing” or “the staff loves it” or “you have to try it”, etc. It’s just not helpful! It would be far more helpful if you could just describe the “notes” and how it behaves in CP, HP and all the other things soapers want/need to know before purchasing an FO. It’s not like we can go into a store room like you do and try whatever is on the shelf. So you really need to be our eyes and nose. Make up a trial batch and report the results or ask customer volunteers to do it for you. My guess is, sales would improve by leaps and bounds.
We recently had a discussion on another forum — the topic was “Favorite FO Suppliers”. Here’s what one person said that pretty much sums up the group concensus after I recommended MMS:
“Never ordered from MMS, but thought I’d check them out based on your recommendations. I couldn’t find any information on the vanillin content (turns soap brown), what notes are present, nor customer reviews on individual scents. I’m just not interested in FO’s that are going to accelerate, rice, seize, fade quickly etc. Other suppliers give much more information on their products which is why they get my business. I hope down the line this supplier will choose to do the same. If I could have had a full picture of each FO, I would probably have put in an order for the samples even though I don’t really need any more right now! Because of the lack of all of the above, I didn’t feel motivated to take advantage of their FO sample size.”
I am sorry your tongue is bloody. Katy is an exuberant 20-something (as you can read in her tag line) and everything is “fantastic” to someone who gets out of bed glowing with gratitude and grace. Katy is one of the most positive people I know and it is an honor to work with her.
Did you know we don’t carry fragrances that rice or seize? In the category header we specifically make note that our work is to prevent you from having trouble. We even note our lower usage rates. Try the link at https://www.thesage.com/catalog/FragranceOils.html.
You might also want to know that we send out a ton of samples and Katy has been making new products with these fragrances for our customers to try. You can ask for a sample of a fragrance oil in any order. We send real vials, not paper cards with a swipe of oil on them. You can make a small jar of salve, cream, lotion or similar product and actually test our fragrance oils in a finished product. Remember! We have lower usage rates than other companies.
May your day improve with the addition of a Katy to make the world seem brighter.
LOL “bloody tongue” — that”s funny, Tina! I luv Katy’s enthusiasm as well! (Good job, Katy. I’m truly sorry if my comment upset you.) However, my comments were misunderstood. To clarify, as a long time customer, I’m already aware of all the things you mentioned. I trust MMS to provide top quality and I’ve never been disappointed; not once. Unfortunately, newcomers to the site might miss that info because they go right to the fragrance description! I agree with Katy’s assessment that MMS FOs are “fantastic” or whatever. However, I’m just a hobbyist, and as such, I don’t often purchase them — but I do promote MMS FOs whenever the opportunity arises — other soapers are always looking for new scents to try and they buy by the pound. Unfortunately, their response is as I quoted above. Frustrating. I didn’t intend to criticize Katy, but merely pass on information. What you do with it is up to you.
PS: Saying “the staff loves it” is not nearly as powerful as a customer review like, “This is my best seller!”