Carpet Freshener 1

Finished Carpet Freshener

Finished Carpet Freshener

I love the holidays. I love visiting with family and I love entertaining. Though at the end of it all, I am ready to go back to my peaceful evenings and moderately clean house. The dishes are easy to tackle and the tile is a cinch to mop. That just leaves the carpet. The dreaded carpet.


Carpet seems to just hold onto odors like nothing else. At the end of the holidays, my house no longer smells like my house. My house’s FengShui is off. It smells like cigarette smoke, the Christmas puppy and pans of blackened bacon. (Let’s just say I had some cooking mishaps over the holidays.) I would dearly love to fling the doors and windows open and air out the house. The only way that it happening is if I never want to be warm again until July. So what am I left with? What about a home made carpet freshener! Come join me for this simple and greatly appreciated home restorer.

Baking Soda
Lavender Buds
12 oz Shaker Bottles


Recipe in Grams
567 grams Baking Soda
14 grams Lavender Buds
Recipe in Ounces
20 oz Baking Soda
0.5 oz Lavender Buds
Recipe in Percentages
97% Baking Soda
3% Lavender Buds
Preparing to make carpet freshener

Preparing to make carpet freshener

Weigh both ingredients into a plastic bag. Give the bag a good shake to mix the carpet freshener. Crush the buds a little to release their odor. This size recipe will fit into two of our 12 oz Shaker Bottles. Pour into shaker bottles and you are ready to go!

To use the carpet freshener, lightly sprinkle over an area you want to freshen. Allow to sit for about 5 minutes. Vacuum the carpet freshener up. It is that simple!

Weighing materials

Weighing materials

Please note that this is not a carpet cleaner. It is only to help minimize undesirable odors and add a light, desirable scent.

If lavender is not your thing, try different botanicals. Peppermint adds a wonderful scent!



Ready to mix lavender and baking soda

Ready to mix lavender and baking soda






Finished Carpet Freshener in Shaker Bottles

Finished Carpet Freshener in Shaker Bottles

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About Taylor

I'm a twenty something happy, animal loving, curious experimenter. I love reaching back into history and trying old recipes for cosmetics or foods. I'm constantly asking "Why?" My curiosity has me trying new things. I love taking walks with my dog as well as staying at home to cuddle with the dog and my cats. Some of my favorite scents include Hinoki Wood, Rose Garden, Jasmine and Gladiator.

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