I love answering the phone. It doesn’t matter whether it is the phone at work, my own, my friends or even my mother’s phone. I love answering the phone. I love the magic of being able to talk to someone who is states away. I also get to learn a lot.
Recently I have been getting calls from massage therapists who want to make their own massage oil. Many complaints I hear is that one oil is too sticky, another is too fluid or even it absorbs too quickly! What is a massage therapist to do?! Not to worry. Today we will be making the perfect massage oil.
Weigh all of your ingredients into a container. Stir well. Pour into any bottle you desire. You can use disc tops, pumps or just plain-Jane caps.
Note: I used 1% fragrance for my entire batch. Because the nature of massage oils is to apply some, rub it in, apply some more, rub it in; your customer needs to love the fragrance as much as I love talking on the phone. Otherwise, I would recommend lowering the percentage of fragrance oil. If I were a massage therapist dealing with customers all the time, I would limit my fragrance to somewhere between .25% and .5%. Since this is more of a personal style massage oil, I increased the fragrance because I LOVE Sahara Sandalwood.
Finished Massage Oil
Weighing Sunflower Oil
Weighing Macadamia Nut Oil
Weighing Coconut Oil Fractions
Adding Sahara Sandalwood Fragrance Oil
Unmixed Massage Oil
Mixed Massage Oil
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A Spa Worthy Massage Oil, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating