Goat Milk Cream is back! 10

Our Goat Milk Cream is back in stock. We were worried it would be much later but this is NO APRIL FOOL’S JOKE! IT IS HERE!!!!

Click here to find Goat Milk Cream in the catalog.

I would also like to share with you that twice today I have taken phone calls from customers to add to their order. Both times the order had been placed just a few hours earlier. In BOTH CASES the order had already shipped. We’re speedy! We’re fast! We’re so efficient that we ship before you can change your mind! So, breathe easy and know we have your back.


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Goat Milk Cream is back!, 5.0 out of 5 based on 2 ratings

About Tina

I started thesage.com in 1996 with the help of my husband. Now I get to help people make all kinds of soaps and bath and body products. I think my favorite things to make are lip balms and lotions/creams. Of course I get most of the soap technical support questions because that is my strong knowledge area. Glad this blog is here!

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10 thoughts on “Goat Milk Cream is back!

  • LuAnn

    I was looking to order some, but it doesn’t show up in the “search” mode. Any thoughts on how to find it?

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    • Tina Post author

      This base is a great product alone. It doesn’t need scenting or coloring. It is a great cream!

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  • Jen

    i just received a sample with my most recent order and this cream is FABULOUS! I LOVE it! Can any fragrance be added to it?

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  • Rosa

    I just received my sample with my last order. I can’t believe how moisturizing it is, really! I’ve already ordered a gallon. Do you think I can mix Magnesium Oil into it? and if so how much would I need for a gallon?

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    • Tina Post author


      I am not sure. Magnesium Oil is probably not really an oil. I have see this as a liquid and the base is water. It really will depend on what type of product you are using and want to add. I would try no more than 1% and test the resulting cream to see if it is what you want.


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