Morning Sunshine Soap – Day 1 2

This is the type of winter morning that inspired this soap.

Weighing Oils

Making Lye Solution

I love the mornings. Especially in the winter, when the air is crisp and cold. It is always quiet and peaceful. During these mornings, I can feel like the only one awake in the entire valley. All of the houses are sleeping under a blanket of snow and occasionally sighing warm clouds of steam into the air. It is on these mornings my fingers find themselves wrapped around a cup of steaming tea and crystals form from my breath. (Recently I have been drinking the Black Currant Cardamon Raw Green Bush Tea. Yummy. 😎 A great companion for these beautiful mornings.)

Melting Oils

Mixing Oils and Lye Solution

Now this soap has been giving me fits. The first batch I made separated! Argh! It was so frustrating! You can see in the photos how it is lumpy and not very smooth. This is because of the separation. While this is not ideal, this cosmetically challenged soap is still usable.

Adding Fragrance Oil

The separation was caused by an extreme difference in temperatures between my lye and my oils. This would have been preventable if I weren’t so impatient. Had I allowed my oils to cool to a similar temperature of my lye water, I would have been just fine.

Items Needed:

Ingredients Needed:
Hydrogenated Soy
Coconut Oil
Olive Oil
Lemon Zinger Fragrance Oil
Ultramarine Blue
Yellow Lip Balm Color
Microwave Safe Container
Immersion Blender


Recipe in Ounces
12 ounces Hydrogenated Soy
10 ounces Coconut Oil
10 ounces Olive Oil
12 ounces Water
4.4 ounces Lye
.4 ounces Lemon Zinger Fragrance Oil
2 tsp Ultramarine Blue


12 ounces Hydrogenated Soy
10 ounces Coconut Oil
10 ounces Olive Oil
12 ounces Water
4.4 ounces Lye
.4 ounces Lemon Zinger Fragrance Oil
2 tsp Yellow Lip Balm Color

Recipe in Percentages
25% Hydrogenated Soy
20% Coconut Oil
20% Olive Oil
25% Water
9% Lye
1% Lemon Zinger Fragrance Oil
Q.S. Ultramarine Blue


25% Hydrogenated Soy
20% Coconut Oil
20% Olive Oil
25% Water
9% Lye
1% Lemon Zinger Fragrance Oil
Q.S. Yellow Lip Balm Color

Adding Color

Pouring Soap into Mold, preparing to swirl

Weigh all of the oils in a single kit into a microwave safe container. Heat gently until liquid. Add the lye to the water to for a lye solution. Mix the oils and lye solution and blend until a light trace is achieved for each soap kit. Add the Lemon Zinger Fragrance Oil and color and mix well. Pour blue colored soap then the yellow over a center object into a mold, swirl and allow to sit for 24 hours. Cut the soap. Allow the soap to cure. Longer curing time will result in a harder bar. Enjoy!

Swirled Soap

Finished Soap

Bottom of Swirled Soap


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About Taylor

I'm a twenty something happy, animal loving, curious experimenter. I love reaching back into history and trying old recipes for cosmetics or foods. I'm constantly asking "Why?" My curiosity has me trying new things. I love taking walks with my dog as well as staying at home to cuddle with the dog and my cats. Some of my favorite scents include Hinoki Wood, Rose Garden, Jasmine and Gladiator.

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2 thoughts on “Morning Sunshine Soap – Day 1

  • ArtisanShelly

    Hi Taylor! I tried clicking on the link above for the Black Currant Cardamon Raw Green Bush Tea and it took me to a page that is not working any longer.

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    • Taylor Post author

      I am afraid that the Black Currant Cardamon Raw Green Bush Tea is no longer available in our catalog. Sorry for the inconvenience.


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