Chocolate Oreo Truffles – Day 2 2

Whew! We made it to the second day. I don’t know about you, but I kept losing my truffles. Everyone kept sneaking into the kitchen and filching my truffles. 🙄 I even started to worry that I might not have any truffles to photograph! I don’t know about you but I think that means they are really good. I highly suspect that I will find a package of Oreos and cream cheese waiting for me on the blog kitchen counter. Even Mitch who told me I was ruining the Oreos when chopping, said I could make these again.  😆 We really need to head into the kitchen so we can finish these up. Otherwise we won’t have any left! Let’s go so we can at least have a few completely finished truffles. See you in the kitchen!Collect Needed Items:

Finished Oreo Truffle Mix
White Chocolate
Milk Chocolate
Microwaveable Container
Chopsticks or Slotted Spoon
Parchment or Waxed Paper
Zip Bag


24 oz Finished Oreo Tuffle Mix
16 oz White Chocolate
8 oz Milk Chocolate

Place the white chocolate into a microwave safe container. Heat in 15 second incraments until the chocolate appears glossy. Stir until fluid. [Note: Heat the chocolate slowly and gently. You do not want it to burn. 😳 It is a waste of perfectly good chocolate. :cry:] Pull the chilled Oreo truffles from the refrigerator. Using either chopsticks or a slotted spoon, dip the truffles into the white chocolate and place on the pan with the wax paper. Allow the truffles to harden. Gently heat the milk chocolate until liquid. Pour a small amount of chocolate into a zip bag and snip a small hole in the corner. Drizzle the chocolate over the truffles. Refrigerate the truffles and ENJOY!

Finished Truffles

White Chocolate in Pyrex

Melted Chocolate

Dipping Truffle in Melted Chocolate

Dipping Truffle in White Chocolate

Dipped Tuffle

Dipped Truffle

Finished Truffles

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About Taylor

I'm a twenty something happy, animal loving, curious experimenter. I love reaching back into history and trying old recipes for cosmetics or foods. I'm constantly asking "Why?" My curiosity has me trying new things. I love taking walks with my dog as well as staying at home to cuddle with the dog and my cats. Some of my favorite scents include Hinoki Wood, Rose Garden, Jasmine and Gladiator.

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