Chocolate Lip Gloss 5

Chocolate is a fantastic flavor. Did you know that chocolate is the world’s second most popular flavor? (Right after vanilla.) I decided that this week I also wanted to make a Chocolate Lip Gloss. I think we have a themed week here. Yay for chocolate! Come join me in the kitchen for this scrumptious chocolate lip gloss. 

I wanted a strong chocolate flavor for this lip gloss. I used bittersweet chocolate and our Chocolate Cream Flavor Oil to get a well rounded chocolate flavor. I wanted the lip gloss to taste like a chocolate bar but… not have the calories! Mmmm. Get your chocolate fix without the guilt!

Collect Needed Items:

Sesame Oil
Castor Oil
Baking Chocolate
Chocolate Cream Flavor Oil
Sugar Baby Flavor Oil
Microwave Safe Container
Lip Brush Pens


Recipe in Grams
75 grams Sesame Oil
25 grams Castor Oil
4 grams Beeswax
2 grams Bittersweet Baking Chocolate
1 gram Chocolate Cream Flavor Oil
1 grams Sugar Baby Flavor Oil
Recipe in Ounces
2.65 ounces Sesame Oil
.88 ounces Castor Oil
.14 ounces Beeswax
.07 ounces Bittersweet Baking Chocolate
.04 ounces Chocolate Cream Flavor Oil
.04 ounces Sugar Baby Flavor Oil
Recipe in Percentages
69% Sesame Oil
23% Castor Oil
3% Beeswax
2% Bittersweet Baking Chocolate
1% Chocolate Cream Flavor Oil
1% Sugar Baby Flavor Oil

Weigh the Sesame Oil, Castor Oil and Beeswax into a microwave safe container. Heat gently until liquid. Add the Bittersweet Chocolate, Chocolate Cream Flavor Oil and Sugar Baby Flavor Oil. Stir well. Put into lip brush pens. Enjoy!


Finished Lip Gloss.

Weighing Oils

Weighing Fixed Oils

Weighing Beeswax

Melted Lip Gloss

Adding Baking Chocolate

Adding Chocolate Cream Flavor Oil and Sugar Baby Flavor Oil

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About Taylor

I'm a twenty something happy, animal loving, curious experimenter. I love reaching back into history and trying old recipes for cosmetics or foods. I'm constantly asking "Why?" My curiosity has me trying new things. I love taking walks with my dog as well as staying at home to cuddle with the dog and my cats. Some of my favorite scents include Hinoki Wood, Rose Garden, Jasmine and Gladiator.

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5 thoughts on “Chocolate Lip Gloss

  • CanfieldFive

    Woohoo! I love baking chocolate in my chocolate lip glosses…

    Are there any oils that would substitute well for the sesame seed oil? I’d love to try a 50-50 mix with rice bran and apricot kernel!

    Thanks again!

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  • alyson

    hi there! I was wondering: if I put enough oil soluble lip balm color in the lip balm, will it start to show up on my lips as a tint? if not, do you have any other product that may do the job, such as mica??
    thank you

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    • Andee

      If you use enough color, you can make a lip tint! A little drop will just give the lip balm color and approximately 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon will make 50 lip balm lip tints. These colors are that potent!

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