Chocolate is a fantastic flavor. Did you know that chocolate is the world’s second most popular flavor? (Right after vanilla.) I decided that this week I also wanted to make a Chocolate Lip Gloss. I think we have a themed week here. Yay for chocolate! Come join me in the kitchen for this scrumptious chocolate lip gloss.
I wanted a strong chocolate flavor for this lip gloss. I used bittersweet chocolate and our Chocolate Cream Flavor Oil to get a well rounded chocolate flavor. I wanted the lip gloss to taste like a chocolate bar but… not have the calories! Mmmm. Get your chocolate fix without the guilt! Collect Needed Items:
Weigh the Sesame Oil, Castor Oil and Beeswax into a microwave safe container. Heat gently until liquid. Add the Bittersweet Chocolate, Chocolate Cream Flavor Oil and Sugar Baby Flavor Oil. Stir well. Put into lip brush pens. Enjoy! |
Woohoo! I love baking chocolate in my chocolate lip glosses…
Are there any oils that would substitute well for the sesame seed oil? I’d love to try a 50-50 mix with rice bran and apricot kernel!
Thanks again!
About how many pens does this fill?
I think this fills about 48 if I remember correctly. I hope this helps.
hi there! I was wondering: if I put enough oil soluble lip balm color in the lip balm, will it start to show up on my lips as a tint? if not, do you have any other product that may do the job, such as mica??
thank you
If you use enough color, you can make a lip tint! A little drop will just give the lip balm color and approximately 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon will make 50 lip balm lip tints. These colors are that potent!