Yesterday I featured a Chai Latte Blend that I agonized over. Today I want to show how to use that blend in a lip balm. I used Andee’s recipe of her Sweet Coconut Lip Balm as a backbone for this recipe. I loved the texture and I wanted the firm feeling that this recipe produced. Now, thanks to Andee, all of us Chai lovers can have a flavorful latte in our pockets! Yum!
Collect needed items:
Weigh all ingredients except the Chai Latte Flavor Blend and Sugar Baby Flavor Oil into your microwave safe container. Microwave in short bursts until all ingredients are melted. The beeswax will take the most time to melt, but if you stir the lip balm after the other oils have been heated, it will melt quickly. Once the mixture is melted, add the Chai Latte Flavor Blend and Sugar Baby Flavor Oil. Stir until all of the flavor has been incorporated. Fill tubes or jars. Allow the lip balm to cool. Label. Now sit down, put your feet up and enjoy! Tomorrow, I will be featuring Tina’s Lanolin Butter with this Chai Blend. This recipe is great for healing winter weathered skin! Join me tomorrow and test it with me! |
Got a sample of this. Yum! Thanks for putting this together.
Would shea butter be a good replacement for the soy butter? And what would be a good sub for the lanolin? The person I want to make this for is allergic.
What other butter can be used? I have Aloe butter, avocado butter, high melt point shea butter and also hydrogenated Soy. Would any of these work? Thanks!!
Try the hydrogenated soy. I think that will work well.
Awesome, thanks Tina!! Should I use the same amount of the hydrogenated soy as I would have used soy butter??
Yes, I think I would. I think you will like the finished lip balm too!
Awesome, thanks so much Tina! Would it be the same amount as if I used the soy butter, an even product swap?
Yep! I love that thinking! You are on the right track.
I can’t find the Chai Latte flavor blend to order. Is it not available any longer? Thanks!
It is available, check under the Essential Oils section, or do a search for Chai Latte.