Coffee Soap 9

Since the mornings have been a little chilly lately, I’ve been drinking a fair amount of coffee to help jump start my mornings. As I was making my morning cup of coffee, I couldn’t help but wish that I could start my mornings just a little earlier. I’ll bet you can just imagine the light bulb above my head flashing as I realized I could make a coffee soap to start my mornings instead of a drink!

Collect needed items:

Coconut Oil
Macadamia Nut Butter
Olive Oil
Palm Oil
Sodium Hydroxide
Mokalata Fragrance Oil
Finely Ground Coffee Beans
Soap Spoon
Rubbermaid Drawer Organizer #2915
Immersion Blender
Time spent:
Weighing time: 8 minutes
Adding lye to water: 15 seconds, followed by 60 seconds of stirring
Heating of oils time: 90 seconds
Pouring lye solution into the fat mixture: 15 seconds
Using immersion blender to mix soap solution: 90 seconds
Adding Finely Ground Coffee Beans and mixing well: 30 seconds
Pour into mold: 10 seconds
Allow soap to rest: 24 hours
Recipe in ounces:
8 ounces Coconut Oil
4 ounces Macadamia Nut Butter
4 ounces Olive Oil
16 ounces Palm Oil

4.58 ounces Sodium Hydroxide
12 ounces Water

0.56 ounces Mokalata Fragrance Oil
2 teaspoons Finely Ground Coffee Beans

Measure fixed oils on your scale. Warm the fixed oils on the stove or in the microwave. I melted the oils in the microwave. Add sodium hydroxide to the water. Mix well. Combine the Finely Ground Coffee Beans and Mokalata Fragrance Oil in a beaker and set aside. This will allow the beans and fragrance to combine scents.

Combine oils and lye solution. Mix until thin trace. Upon light trace, add the Finely Ground Coffee Beans and Mokalata Fragrance Oil mixture. Stir well. Pour soap into the desired mold I used a different style of the Guerrilla Mold from Dirk’s post. Allow to sit until soap is firm.

The next morning cut into bars. Stack to allow good air circulation. Allow to cure for several days before using. Longer curing will result in a harder bar.

This soap does have a faint decomposition odor for the first day or so after cutting, but the odor does go away eventually as the coffee grounds dry out. The scent of this soap now is reminiscent of a Chocolate-Caramel Macchiato I will get occasionally at my favorite local coffee shop. The coffee is perfectly accented by cocoa, caramel and a titch of vanilla sugar. Yummy! My morning coffee without all the calories or expense!

Finished coffee soap.

Adding the lye solution to the melted oils.

Beginning to mix the oils and lye solution.

Fragrance and coffee mixture.

Adding the fragrance and coffee mixture to the raw soap.

Mixing fragrance and coffee mixture into the raw soap.

Completely mixed raw soap.

Fragrance and coffee mixture on the raw soap.

Almost completely mixed.

Pouring the raw soap into the mold.

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Coffee Soap, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

About Andee

Director of Happiness. I'm a thirty-something soap snob. I've grown up with handmade soaps, and I love them! I really like making lotions, soaps, and perfumes. I adore mixing scents to come up with something new. My favorite scent is either Wicked or Cotton Candy. I tend to hoard fragrances, I even have an Earl Grey Tea from the MMS catalog. I won't tell you how old it is, but it sure is good!

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9 thoughts on “Coffee Soap

  • sincerelyemily

    Hi Andee, Your coffee soap looks great. I started making a coffee soap a little over a year ago and it looks exactly like yours. I didn’t mix my ground in with oil to sit though like you did. I brewed a strong flavoured coffee in the coffee pot and used that coffee for my water and lye mixture, then when I mixed the oils and lye solution together I also added finely ground coffee just before trace. No fragrance added, and the coffee scent didn’t stick. I also found that no matter how finely I ground that coffee it was still too abrasive for most people. I used it as a garden soap, so I have marketed it that way. At that point I wasn’t playing with fragrance much. I like the scent you used. sounds perfect! Sincerely, Emily

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  • Lorivet

    I make coffee soap a lot – I make it for the “scent clearing” properties it has – coffee soaps really remove scents from your hands – onions and garlic especially. I make it for my staff at the pet hospital where I work – I won’t go into the hand odors we get there… works like a charm though!

    Yeah coffee soap!


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    • Angela

      My son works at a vet clinic and he just asked me for some soap tonight. I think I’ll try coffee soap! So what version works best for the odor clearing properties?

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      • Andee Post author

        I think a straight up coffee soap with coffee as part of the liquid with fine grounds added would work!

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  • Debi

    Hello. . . this has nothing to do with soap. . . not really even a recipe. . . but. . . it does have a little to do with coffee. . . I have figured out I am not tolerant of the waxes used in the popular warmers. . . bees wax, soy wax or parafin wax. . . I miss having a good smelly in my house so I came up with my own remedy. A few months ago I started using coconut oil with an essential/fragrance oil of my choice. . . it works so good. . . I can create any combination I want. . . I recently tried a cinnamon essential oil with clove and tangerine. . . yummy. . . that same day I bought new can of coffee, I just love the smell of opening that can. . . mmmmmmmmmm. So. . . I added a teaspoon of it to my warmer with my other oils. . . OMG. . . it is life changing. . . my house smells like a coffee shop with some pumpkin bread baking in the oven. . .all the time. . . just thought I would share here. . . I’m new to the blog and really enjoy reading the ideas, comments, questions and answers.
    Thanks, Debi

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