Using Tea Bags 6

Whenever I want to take a long soothing bath, I can’t help myself and you will always find me adding this or that to the bath water. Bath Fizzies, Bath Oils, Tub Teas, Bubble Bath and more have been added to my bath water at one time or another. However, after a nice relaxing bath, the last thing I want to do is clean out a bath tub. It just seems to be counter-productive. The Heat Sealable Tea Bags are fantastic for allowing me to take a bath without the hassle of cleaning the bath tub after a bath. These bags also allow us to make a soak of Finely Ground Oatmeal and Chamomile Buds for soothing itchy and irritated skin.

What can I put in a Heat Sealable Tea Bag for a bath?
Herbs and Flowers: Peppermint Leaves, Rosebuds, Lavender Buds, Chamomile Bud, Calendula Petals, Lemon Balm, Vanilla, and more.
Grains: Oatmeal and Wheat Germ.

The Heat Sealable Tea Bags are also very useful when making a tea for soap making. You can make your own teas to be used as the liquid in batches of soap to make them even more unique.

What can I put in a Heat Sealable Tea Bag for soap teas?
Herbs and Flowers: Peppermint Leaves, Rosebuds, Lavender Buds, Chamomile Bud, Calendula Petals, Lemon Balm, Vanilla, Hops, Black Tea, Green Tea, Rooibos and many more.

Using the Heat Sealable Tea Bags is so easy, you will want to use them all the time. All you need is a household clothes iron, the Heat Sealable Tea Bags, and the botanicals you want to use. I’m going show you how I make a Chamomile and Oatmeal Bath Soak in a Large Heat Sealable Tea Bag.

Collect needed items:

Oatmeal (Finely Ground)
Chamomile Tea Blend
Large Heat Sealable Tea Bags
Household Clothes Iron
Ironing Board
Food Processor (If needed)
Measuring Spoons (I used a 1 teaspoon measure)

Set the iron to the medium temperature setting. Using the food processor, grind the oatmeal to make a fine oat flour. Measure 4 teaspoons of the finely ground oatmeal and 1 teaspoon of the Chamomile Tea Blend into the Large Heat Sealable Tea Bag. Gently pinch the bag closed and lay it on the ironing board. Lightly press the iron over the edge of the bag and hold for 3 seconds. The combination of the heat and pressure will seal the bag.

Ta-da! We now have a sealed tea bag ready to be used in soothing bath.

Kathy, your soap set left today!

Don’t forget to submit your blog or video posts to win the MMS Perfumer’s Kit. Remember, this kit is worth $280! Submissions are due by March 1st for posts during February.

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Chamomile Tea Blend in the tea bag.

Oatmeal in the tea bag.

Pressing the tea bag.

Several sealed tea bags with various blends.

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Using Tea Bags, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

About Andee

Director of Happiness. I'm a thirty-something soap snob. I've grown up with handmade soaps, and I love them! I really like making lotions, soaps, and perfumes. I adore mixing scents to come up with something new. My favorite scent is either Wicked or Cotton Candy. I tend to hoard fragrances, I even have an Earl Grey Tea from the MMS catalog. I won't tell you how old it is, but it sure is good!

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6 thoughts on “Using Tea Bags

  • kathyjane

    Thanks for all the wonderful info you share here! I have a half-half soap question. How long do you let your soap cure before you use it? I use the cold process soap method with half goats milk and half water adding all the liquid at the beginning of the process. I allow 4 weeks for cure, is this correct or can I reduce that time?

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    • Andee Post author

      I use the soap in 24 hours if I need to. This means I waited too long to make soap, or I have sent all my soap as samples.

      Longer curing will cause more water to evaporate from the soap and it will be much harder (read – last longer in the shower) but it is safe to use in 24 hours.

      Lather up Sages!

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  • jaspersgarden

    Another wonderful ingredient to add to your herbs and oatmeal would be powdered goatsmilk ~ think Cleopatra ;o) ahhhh!

    I can’t wait to get my soaps! I’m more interested in testing the bars, not so much for the different milks, but the use of Hydrogenated Soybean Oil. I have never used it so I’d like to test that! With the price of Olive Oil through the roof, maybe this would be a good replacement!

    What do your “notes” say about this oil Andee?

    Thanks so much!

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    • Andee Post author


      We use Hydrogenated Soy as a Palm replacement. Soy makes a firm bar, it is white, it does not fractionate and it is readily available (even for 2AM testing when you just use a can of Crisco). For production purposes, soy is less likely to give the fractionation issues that surround palm, and it gives a wider range of colors that can be achieved, AND it is less messy than palm because it is a firm, dry solid (palm is wet, partially melts and seems “juicy”).

      In our test formulations we do 25% olive because we like the lather. 25% is pretty easy to do, even with higher olive prices. If the 25% is too cost prohibitive, then try a mixture of olive and sunflower, or oil and sesame. If you do the mixture, you might consider increasing the coconut to 30% of the batch instead, to compensate for the bar softening issues you will have with sunflower, sesame, canola, peanut, etc.

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  • jaspersgarden


    oh DUH…!!! I’m so sorry, I didn’t even notice the Olive Oil in the recipe….dummy me!

    I know exactly what you mean about Palm Oil – messy is just one of its downfalls. Unless you got hydrogenated Palm, you have to melt the whole bucket down before use b/c it separates, which really plays havoc on a soap recipe – been there, done that! I do like using Palm Kernel Flakes though.

    I received my soaps today – yippee!!! First one I tried was the Almond Milk. Lovely! Even though it is unscented, I can smell a hint of almonds in it! I really enjoy unscented soaps!

    Thank you so much for the soaps. Mine look lighter than your picture! Pleasantly surprised!

    I’ll have to get some of your Hydrogenated Soybean Oil and tweak your recipe to include some Castor Oil. I’m one of those people who love Castor Oil in soap…!!!

    Thanks again!

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    • Andee Post author

      The unfortunate part about photography is that pictures will never look exactly like the real product. I tried to get the pictures as close as I could in color.

      My little sister loves the Almond Milk Soap too and considering her birthday is just around the corner, I’ll probably make her a batch for her birthday.

      Good luck with your soap!

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