Confetti Soap, Part 4 3

On October 1st, I showed the finished batch of Confetti Soap using shreds. Today, I’ll show you the finished batch of Confetti Soap using chunks.

Collect needed supplies:
Soap we made on October 1st, cut into chunks
Hydrogenated Soybean Oil
Coconut Oil
Sweet Almond Oil
Fragrance Oil of your choice (I’m going to be using Pears & Berries Fragrance Oil)

Recipe in ounces:
40 ounces weight Hydrogenated Soybean Oil
20 ounces weight Coconut Oil
20 ounces weight Sweet Almond Oil

30 fluid ounces water
11.1 ounces weight sodium hydroxide

1.4 ounces of Pears & Berries Fragrance Oil

24 ounces of soap chunks from soap made on Thursday. I used 8 ounces of each color.

Weighing time: 8 minutes
Adding lye to water: 5 seconds, followed by 60 seconds of stirring
Heating of oils time: 2 minutes
Pouring lye solution into the fat mixture: 5 seconds
Using immersion blender to mix soap solution: 2 minutes
Mix shreds or chunks into the soap solution: 30 seconds
Pour into mold: 30 seconds
Allow soap to rest: 24 hours

Soap out of the mold and unwrapped.

Soap out of the mold and unwrapped.

Cut bars of soap.

Cut bars of soap.

You will want to make sure that the soap is thicker than the water thin trace that we generally have. This will prevent the soap shreds from settling to the bottom of soap.

Have fun!

Submit your photos and text for the guest written Embedded Melt & Pour Soap Challenge! Submissions will be accepted through October 18th at The submissions will be released October 19th through October 23rd. Each guest writer will receive a $25 gift certificate. I have already received one entry! Don’t miss out on your chance!

Don’t forget to submit your blog or video posts to win the MMS Perfumer’s Kit. Remember, this kit is worth $280! Wow!


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About Andee

Director of Happiness. I'm a thirty-something soap snob. I've grown up with handmade soaps, and I love them! I really like making lotions, soaps, and perfumes. I adore mixing scents to come up with something new. My favorite scent is either Wicked or Cotton Candy. I tend to hoard fragrances, I even have an Earl Grey Tea from the MMS catalog. I won't tell you how old it is, but it sure is good!

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3 thoughts on “Confetti Soap, Part 4

  • bluebutterflz


    I had a quick question… I read some where that you could add melt n pour objects to cold press soap to make for easier decorating… is that true? If so I would love to know more about it!

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    • Andee Post author

      You can do this but be forewarned, the melt and pour soap can easily separate from the cold process soap in the shower. For your own use, you can try all you want. If you sell your soap, please do adequate testing first.

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  • jredjosh

    Hi Andee,
    I saw in you oatmeal soap that you used a cutting tool, but I didn’t find it in you catalog. Do you sell them at all or can you recommend where to get one?


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