Daily Archives: January 6, 2009

Wow! It was so crazy around here yesterday, we were running around like crazy. The pile of packages was so big when our UPS driver came to pick up we just about filled his truck. We didn’t get as many shipments out as we would have liked but we are […]

First Monday of 2009!

The Technical Support staff here at Majestic Mountain Sage is fantastic. I’m not just making this up either. We have people around the world that call, e-mail or snail mail our office all the time with questions that this great staff answers. If anyone has a question about lotion, soap, […]

Technical Support Rocks!

October 12, 2009: Celebrate Columbus Day! USPS does not deliver on this day, and will not pick up any packages you have requested to ship through their services on this day.

Columbus Day

October 16, 2009: This is our MMS Staff Day.  We are closed to the public on this date.  Do not plan on any orders leaving our facilities on this day.  We use this day to catch up with our warehouse chores, order processing and product preparation.  We allow our staff […]

MMS Staff Day