Honey Buns Fragrance Oil!

6v10-a-honeybunsheadtotoecream-1We’ve got another unique fragrance that came in.  It will make you feel like you are sitting in a little country diner with your best friends or family surrounding you.  Then the waitress brings you your food and you start to smell something amazing.  I’m talking about our new fragrance.  It is called Honey Buns.  I asked people what they thought of when they smelled it.  Most of them said scones with honey butter, some said it reminds them of a cup of tea with warm honey in it.  I would love to try Honey Buns Fragrance in a perfume stick. It is so good in many different types of recipes.  We used it in our Head to Toe Cream for our samples and people love it!

Head to Toe Cream
Honey Buns Fragrance Oil
Large Bag, large
Containers of choice


Recipe in Grams
9109.71 grams Body Butter Cream
28.35 grams Honey Buns Fragrance
Recipe in Ounces
128 Ounces Body Butter Cream
1 Ounce Honey Buns Fragrance
Recipe in Percentages
0.7% of Body Butter Cream
99.3% Honey Buns Fragrance

Directions:  This is the easiest thing you will ever do.  Just open the bucket of Body Butter Cream.  Then Pour your 1 ounce of fragrance into the bucket and stir.  Or I like to scoop the Body Butter Base into a large strong bag then add the fragrance.  In the bag you will get as much air out of it as possible then hold the end so nothing leaks out.  while holding the end just rub the bag, rub it and pat it so the fragrance gets into all the body butter cream.  When you are done doing that and you think it is evenly distributed tie the open end of the bag and cut a small slit into a corner.  If you have ever decorated a cake or anything it is the same concept as that.  This makes it so much easier just to pour it into your containers, large or small.  Have fun on making your own!







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