It is the New Year! Can you believe it is now 2016? Wow! That is just crazy! While I am excited for the New Year, I dread the number of times I will write the year incorrectly. Goodness! It feels just like when you are getting the hang of things, it changes on you!
This year I have some things I definitely want to do. I want to catalog and organize my families favorite recipes. I want to write more letters. And I want to implement a checklist. Why a checklist?
I read this amazing article from the New Yorker on how something as simple as a checklist has changed the medical field. While it is a lengthy article, it talks about how something as simple as a checklist makes the hundreds of medical professionals better able to care for their patients. Talk about amazing.
I’ve already started several checklists to make my life easier. Rather than add to my stack of notebooks and post-it notes, I decided to use an electronic version. It is called Todoist. I have checklists for chores around the house, things to do here at the office, my grocery list and the things I need to do to finished my various hobbies and projects.
I think I am in love. I have been using Todoist for a few weeks now and I feel more efficient than ever. I get reminders of things I need to do on both my phone and my tablet. Rather than wondering what to do next, it is as checking my list. (I’m pretty sure this is how Santa gets everything done.) Have you tried Todoist or anything like it?
Cheers and have a wonderful new year!