Sweet Milky Tub Tea

Completely mixed milky tub tea!

Completely mixed milky tub tea!

Baths are a rare treat for me. I don’t often have time to enjoy one fully so instead I skip through the shower. So when I discovered I have an upcoming weekend where my time hadn’t been scheduled, I penciled in a personal spa day. These days are where I go full out and treat myself. These little spa days are where I paint my nails, apply lots of lotion and actually take more than 5 minutes to do my hair.

Weighing the Natrasorb.

Weighing the Natrasorb.

In my excitement for my spa day, I went through all of my nail polish, soaps, lotions, etc. It is now organized and beautiful. I also came across one pouch of this tub tea. My cat, Leo, who up to that point had been supervising the cataloging with studied disinterest, perked up when I open the ziplock bag holding this tub tea. I don’t know what it is about this tub tea, but the cat approves. I think if he could get away with it, he would have a sachet of his own!

Adding the Milk Powder.

Adding the Milk Powder.

Today I wanted to remake this lovely tub tea not only to replenish my stash but also to share this phenomenal recipe. Andee has created a number of fantastic tub teas but I must admit, I think this is my favorite.  (See the original post here.) I will be sending a number of sachets of this tub tea to our shipping department. Request one in your next order! It is a must try!

Epsom Salt
Milk Powder
Rose Buds & Petals
Calendula Petals
Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
Sandalwood Fragrance Oil
Measuring spoons
Large mixing container (I used a 1 gallon bucket with lid)
Large Heat and Seal Tea Bags
Household Clothes Iron


Recipe in Grams
90 grams Epsom Salt
90 grams Milk Powder
10 grams Natrasorb
4 grams Rose Buds, Crushed
4 grams Calendula Petals
1.2 grams Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
0.8 grams Sandalwood Fragrance Oil
Recipe in Ounces
3.17 ounces Epsom Salt
3.17 ounces Milk Powder
0.35 ounces Natrasorb
0.14 ounces Rose Buds, Crushed
0.14 ounces Calendula Petals
0.04 ounces Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
0.03 ounces Sandalwood Fragrance Oil
Recipe in Percentages
45% Epsom Salt
45% Milk Powder
5% Natrasorb
2% Rose Buds, Crushed
2% Calendula Petals
0.6% Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
0.4% Sandalwood Fragrance Oil


Adding the fragrances.

Adding the fragrances.

Combine the Epsom Salt, Milk Powder and Natrasorb in a mixing bucket or bag. Mix thoroughly. Add the desired fragrances and mix again. Make sure to break up any lumps that may have formed when the fragrance was added. Add the Calendula Petals and crushed Rose Buds. One easy way to crush the Rose Buds is to rub them between the hands. Mix well. After the ingredients have been mixed together, fill each Large Heat & Seal Tea Bag with 1 ounce of the tub tea mixture. Seal with the iron.

Adding the Rose Buds & Petals.

Adding the Rose Buds & Petals.





Adding the Calendula Petals.

Adding the Calendula Petals.







Beginning to mix the ingredients together.

Beginning to mix the ingredients together.

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About Taylor

I'm a twenty something happy, animal loving, curious experimenter. I love reaching back into history and trying old recipes for cosmetics or foods. I'm constantly asking "Why?" My curiosity has me trying new things. I love taking walks with my dog as well as staying at home to cuddle with the dog and my cats. Some of my favorite scents include Hinoki Wood, Rose Garden, Jasmine and Gladiator.

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