Summer Fun with the Kids: Clay Masks 2

Masks. What a super easy and fun activity to do with your kids! My teenagers love to create and use their own clay masks. They love clay masks so much that I often find containers in their bathroom with the residue of their clay concoctions clinging to the container.  Kids!

Today I will show you how easy it is to make your own clay masks at home. My teenagers had a few friends over to put together some small bags of clay. We had some small bags and put in approximate 1-2 tablespoons of clay per bag. We used zip top bags for easy use later when they want to add in the liquid portion to their mask. We labeled each bag and when they are ready will add in fresh water, honey or plain yogurt into their bag, mix well.

There are a few clay options to choose from; Bentonite, French Green, Pink Kaolin, to Morocco Red; you also have a variety of additives you can add to your clay; choose what you like from the following.

Water – great for oily skin
Half and half – awesome for combination skin
Jojoba Oil – fabulous for dry skin
Plain yogurt
Powdered milk
Mashed bananas
Ground oatmeal – wonderful for oily skin

Add your liquid of choice into the clay a little at a time, not too much or your mud mask will become too thin. You want to get a pudding consistency then apply the mask to the face and neck. Allow the mask to dry approximately 10-15 minutes, then rinse completely off with a warm washcloth.

You can use a facial mask on any part of your body, but it is a good idea to try it out first on the inside of your elbow. Remember, it is always a good idea to check for any allergies first.

Happy Mud Facials Everyone!



Clay Options

Clay Options


Additives for your clay

Additives for your clay


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2 thoughts on “Summer Fun with the Kids: Clay Masks

  • Kathy R

    Hey Tonya!

    I remember when i made a clay mask using Rose Clay, Colloidal Oatmeal & powdered Goatsmilk. I used water as my medium. When it dried on my face? Holy cow! My face was a deep, dark rose almost purple color! And THEN? My poor cat (Celery) walked in to the bathroom, jumped 3 feet in the air and scrambled out of there like he was on fire!! It was sooo funny! Poor thing! Moral of the story – make sure your pets aren’t around – they won’t recognize you!!
    Kathy R

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    • Tonya Post author

      That story is so funny! It reminds me of a very similar situation with my kids. They were around 5 years old and walked in on me (I’m sure it was the Red Clay) and they too were very startled and didn’t know what to do, stay or go? I had to trail after them explaining what was on my face and why; this still makes me laugh. Thanks for sharing your story I really enjoyed it.


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