Spring is Here Challenge Cosmetics Submission – Leilani 2

Spring is amazing. I love how color just seems to flood the landscape. I will always remember the enormous lilac bushes that lined my grandparents property. They had white, light purple and dark purple lilacs. They were beautiful. Leilani also thinks of flowers in spring. Here is what she says. 

Spring means that we get to smell the lovely floral scents in the air, but you can enjoy those scents year round with perfume. Here are some solid perfumes I make, all of them are from mixing essential oils and MMS fragrance oils. The most popular one is Wicked, made using mostly MMS’s Wicked fragrance oil plus a splash of a secret ingredient J. I had fun designing these labels, they show the whimsy and colors of spring.


Leilani's Perfume

Leilani’s Perfume

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About Taylor

I'm a twenty something happy, animal loving, curious experimenter. I love reaching back into history and trying old recipes for cosmetics or foods. I'm constantly asking "Why?" My curiosity has me trying new things. I love taking walks with my dog as well as staying at home to cuddle with the dog and my cats. Some of my favorite scents include Hinoki Wood, Rose Garden, Jasmine and Gladiator.

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2 thoughts on “Spring is Here Challenge Cosmetics Submission – Leilani

  • Cee

    Oh I love those! Well done! Now I hafta go look up “Gingerleaf” — could that be the secret ingredient? haha

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  • Kathy R

    Leilani – WOW! Your labels are gorgeous!

    Is it necessary to list ingredients for a perfume? I thought perfume was proprietary?

    I just had to comment on your perfumes – they really are beautiful ;o)

    Kathy R

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