How do you stay happy? 4

As I was leaving Starbucks last night after meeting a friend, a woman stopped me in the parking lot and asked, “How do you stay happy?” At first, I was surprised and a little flattered that a stranger would stop me and ask such a question. I told her that I try to move on from the negative and bad and that I also try to laugh. We talked for a little longer before we parted ways, but the question stuck with me as I drove home.

How do I stay happy? I thought about this question and realized that even though sometimes I get frustrated or hurt by things that have been said or done, most days I am a happy person. Why? I get to work at a job that I love. When I go home, I play with my family and pets, read books that interest me and have hobbies that are fun. Since I fill my life with things I like, I am happy with my life.

Now, how do you stay happy? How do your soaps, lotions, lip balms and other products that you make (for personal use or sale) help either you stay happy? Tell us how you stay happy because we want to know!

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About Andee

Director of Happiness. I'm a thirty-something soap snob. I've grown up with handmade soaps, and I love them! I really like making lotions, soaps, and perfumes. I adore mixing scents to come up with something new. My favorite scent is either Wicked or Cotton Candy. I tend to hoard fragrances, I even have an Earl Grey Tea from the MMS catalog. I won't tell you how old it is, but it sure is good!

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4 thoughts on “How do you stay happy?

  • Mickey

    For me it’s about letting go of the negative things that come at me either from outside or from within.
    That doesn’t mean ignoring the stuff that makes me feel bad. It means assessing it, addressing it, and making a choice to not let it affect the person I want to be. Not always easy. But the feeling of choosing to let something go is liberating… and happy-making.

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  • Crystal

    I am generally a happy person! I enjoy making swirls in soaps, that makes me happy! let go of the negative, press on with a positive attitude. And most of all just remember to breathe.

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  • Mary

    I’m usually a happy person…….My Mom always said being happy is a choice, so why not choose to be happy?

    I’ve never thought I was a good sales person so I’ve made soap for my family and friends, instead of selling it (unless someone approached me about selling some). I have started teaching Soap Making and sharing what I’ve learned over the years with others. Watching my “students” get excited about soap making really makes me happy. Then when they tell me they want to have MORE classes, or a soap exchange……that’s even better.

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  • Cindy

    I believe that we make ourselves happy by our thoughts, our actions and deeds. We all have struggles in life as well as those moments when it just seems that life keeps getting better and better. Attitude is a huge factor. You can present two people with the same situation and they may respond totally different to it.

    I have a very stressful job, but I thoroughly enjoy the challenge of it and the satisfaction of knowing that I am learning how to do something that very complex and affects many people. I bask in the knowledge that I can succeed in something and it makes me feel more confidant and exhilarated to do such a task.

    I don’t do anything on a small scale, I dive right in and really do it whole heartedly. This is the same way with my body products, lotions, soap, etc. We have corporate people who are with our facility each week for several months. They go home on the weekend and come back the next week. One weekend one of them asked to come over and make lotions with me (we had been chatting about how I am into nutrition, and healthy body products). She came over and we had a great time making lotions. I had her make a large bottle of lotion for her and a small bottle to carry in her purse. She gave that small bottle to her other corporate lead person and they both really loved it.

    This past week, one of the corporate ladies asked me if I would make her a bottle of lotion, designed specifically for eczema. She said that she loved the lotion that I made and it was so good that she wanted more. This got us talking about what types of botanicals and oils would be good, fragrances and all sorts of fun stuff. It filled me with joy to know that something I made was beneficial for someone else and to know that my own lotion is preferred to store bought.

    This made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and gave me a better understanding of this person as well. happiness begins with me and it radiates out to others. Perhaps we don’t feel happy inside all of the time, but a warm smile and a greeting can go a long way, even to convincing yourself to jump out of your less than happy state.

    Holy cow, did I just write a novel, or what? I love to be happy. It releases endorphins just like crying, but it doesn’t ruin your makeup as bad, lol. Cindy

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