Totally Awesome Thanksgiving Weekend Shipping Special

NewI have some awesome news for you! We have a totally awesome Thanksgiving weekend shipping special that we are sharing with you!

This shipping special is a great reason for you to get your order in today so you can save!

So, here are the details!

  • Any orders that have an item total of $150 or more will have a $10.00 shipping discount.
  • Any orders that have an item total of $200 or more will have a $20.00 shipping discount.
  • Any orders that have an item total of $300 or more will have a $40.00 shipping discount.
  • If your shipping is less than the amount discounted, you get FREE shipping!

How cool is that? This shipping discount is automatically (Can I say auto-magically?) applied to all orders that qualify, so you don’t even have to remember a special code or phrase to enter.

Now before you start to worry about that order you placed on Wednesday afternoon, this shipping special is retroactive for all orders placed since 7 am Mountain Time on Wednesday, November 27th! The shipping special ends at 7 am Mountain Time on Tuesday, December 3rd.

Don’t miss out on this awesome shipping special! Don’t have enough on your order to qualify? Get together with your friends, sisters-in-law, sisters, and even your neighbors to place a qualifying order!

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About Andee

Director of Happiness. I'm a thirty-something soap snob. I've grown up with handmade soaps, and I love them! I really like making lotions, soaps, and perfumes. I adore mixing scents to come up with something new. My favorite scent is either Wicked or Cotton Candy. I tend to hoard fragrances, I even have an Earl Grey Tea from the MMS catalog. I won't tell you how old it is, but it sure is good!

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