If you ask my family, they will tell you that I am an absolute Halloween junkie! If I could, I would decorate every possible space in the yard just for Halloween! As it is, Halloween is not a holiday celebrated in China other than in bi-lingual schools. 🙁 So I will spend today making cupcakes and decorating them to look like ghosts, pumpkins and witches. Then I’ll take my cupcakes around to visit family with my own version of “trick or treat”! Hopefully it will help me get a little of my Halloween fix!
No matter your feelings for the holiday, I hope you have an enjoyable day today! As it is a holiday that has people of all ages hitting the streets, we will be closing our offices early to allow our staff to get home safely before all the kids hit the streets for their trick-or-treating adventures.
Our office will close at noon, but we will be back at 8 am tomorrow morning ready to process all orders! Have a BOO-tiful day!
Happy Halloween!,