Orange Peel Powder in Cold Process Soap 19

Oranges, yummmm! Can you smell it now? I love citrus scents especially anything with orange in it is fabulous. So, I am continuing on with my different powders to add to soap and I’m sitting here with the jar of Orange Peel Powder, just enjoying the scent and trying to decide what other products can I make with this stuff. Well, today I will show you how to include this into your cold process soap and I’ll keep thinking and share with you later what else I have up my sleeve.Here we go using the Orange Peel Powder, this powder has a tan and orange color with subtle color and mostly fiber to add to your soaps. Orange peel powder has a lovely aroma of oranges. The addition of orange peel powder can make a slightly exfoliating soap to a heavily exfoliating soap. Please add small amounts during test batches to determine your level of desired exfoliating ability. I have gathered some supplies and Iā€™m ready show you how easy adding botanical can be.Supplies Needed:

Palm Kernel Oil
Coconut Oil
Olive Oil
Orange Peel Powder
Microwave Safe Container
Immersion Blender
Soap Bucket
Soaping Goggles
Soap mold of choice


Recipe in Grams
170.1 Palm Kernel Oil
141.75 grams Coconut Oil
141.75 grams Olive Oil
62.37 grams Lye
177 mL Water
1 tsp Powder
Recipe in Ounces
6 oz Palm Kernel Oil
5 oz Coconut Oil
5 oz Olive Oil
2.20 oz Lye
6 fl oz Water
5 grams Powder
Recipe in Percentages
38% Palm Kernel Oil
31% Coconut Oil
31% Olive Oil
Q.S. Lye
Q.S. Water
Q.S. Powder

I’m going to use the same soap recipe as I did when making the soap with infusions. This will give you some ideas and suggestions when you try the infusions or powders in your soap batches.

Begin by weighing all of the oils into a microwave safe container. Heat gently until liquid. Add the Sodium Hydroxide to the water to form a lye solution. Allow the oils and the lye to cool separately until they reach a lower temperature. We do not want to have the soap overheat and volcano. When cooled, mix the oils and lye solution together and blend with immersion blender until trace is achieved. Once your mixture has made it to trace add in your powder approximately 1 teaspoon, mix thoroughly then pour into a mold and allow to sit for 24 hours. Cut the soap. Allow the soap to cure. Longer curing time will result in a harder bar. If you want to add more powder do a second batch so you can compare the difference and your personal choice.

I have noticed that when adding the powder that I am getting a bright golden almost brilliant yellow color to the soap. I only used 1 tsp and got this fabulous color.

I hope you are making some great soaps with me and enjoying the fun. Check out the photos that has all the soaps lined up, Orange Peel Powder is the second to the last, beautiful yellow color. I will keep watching and see if the color changes while it cures.


Mixing Lye

Papriaka next to the pouring Orange Peel

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Orange Peel Powder in Cold Process Soap, 5.0 out of 5 based on 2 ratings

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19 thoughts on “Orange Peel Powder in Cold Process Soap

  • andrea

    I love citrus — this looks like a lovely addition šŸ™‚ Thanks for trying it out and sharing this!!!

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  • birdies

    I’m surprised it takes so little powder for that intense color!
    I noticed the circular knitting kneedles in the background….yay

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  • cherrie

    in a lip balm recipe what can I use instead of soybean oil? I’m in the middle of a batch now and am out of soybean oil… HELP šŸ™‚

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    • Tina

      Could you use hydrogenated soy? Palm Kernel? Coconut Oil? I am not sure what role the soybean oil plays in your formulation so almost any oil could be used.


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  • Janet Schreiner

    In my box of goodies that I received for winning the freebie Friday was a container of orange peel powder….now I know what I will be making this weekend….

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  • LuAnn

    Does using the orange peel powder give the soap any fragrance at all? It got me thinking that it might help anchor my 10X essential oil for an all natural soap. Love the color, I hope it stays as it cures!

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  • Lesley

    what a great yellow and to be all natural. Please keep us posted on the color and whether it changes or not. I do a orange scented column swirl soap and would love to add a yellow color.

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  • Anne-Marie Faiola

    Orange Peel Powder is a great exfoliant to use in cold process soap and actually one of my favorites to use. =)

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  • Victor

    Hi i Just finished going through you work and I most say their are great. Am a student and will want to use soap production as my project topic. Ether with orange, banana or mango peel. Your assistance will of great help for me dear! I will hope to get a reply from you, thank you!

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  • Lovette

    This is really nice, thanks for sharing. i have collected enough orange peel powder to try out this soap making process, but i would prefer a liquid soap instead. Any clues? Thanks.

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    • Tina

      I don’t think I would add the powder to a liquid soap. Remember that botanicals decompose and in a liquid soap we are having enough liquid to encourage this process. In a bar soap the moisture level is much lower.


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    • Tina


      If could. Any pieces of plant matter will begin to decompose when water is added. The best bet is to make sure the soap is up and out of the water when in storage. I expect every bar to be fully wet when in use.


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    • Tina

      We once had this in our catalog, it has been discontinued though. I am sorry. You might try an herb store or even a larger grocery store.

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