Freebie Friday! 6

White Oval Lip Balm Tubes

It’s time for another Freebie Friday! So many of you have found this week to be an inspiration for facial creams after Joy’s three part series about her Night Serum Testing. This week has been rough for those that have been affected by Tropical Storm/Hurricane Isaac and we will keep sending our thoughts and prayers to those who have been affected.

Now, let us move on to the fun! Today we are giving away some Lanolin Lip Solutions, Root Beer Lip Balm Flavor and Oval Lip Balm Tubes!

This weeks winner is Whitney! Congratulations! Your treasure box will be sent out on Monday!

Remember, if you comment any time during the week, you are automatically entered into the Freebie Friday Drawing.

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About Andee

Director of Happiness. I'm a thirty-something soap snob. I've grown up with handmade soaps, and I love them! I really like making lotions, soaps, and perfumes. I adore mixing scents to come up with something new. My favorite scent is either Wicked or Cotton Candy. I tend to hoard fragrances, I even have an Earl Grey Tea from the MMS catalog. I won't tell you how old it is, but it sure is good!

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6 thoughts on “Freebie Friday!

  • Jamie Greer

    I love the oval tubes! They are the best. I recently tried making my own lip balm and I love it1 i used the vegan base and it is wonderful and I am kinda addicted to lip balm. Now I have unlimited supply!

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  • Carmen

    Andee, I love the little oval tubes! I don’t know what it is about the oval, but this is the shape that I prefer. Thanks for all you do! Yes, prayers for all affected! Have a great weekend!

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  • Becky

    Hi everyone, Just want to say the oval tubes are the best. They will not roll off your desk, and I always want a lip balm or several somewhere on or around my desk. I am a lip balm-aholic! Use them like glad I know how to make my own. Have a safe and fun Labor Day!!!

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