With me leaving for China in 9 days, I want to make sure I have my essentials for making all kinds of body treats while I am there. I have received some great ideas of what I need. This is what has made it to my list so far. Pipettes, Battery Operated Scale, Immersion Blender, Thermometer, and an adapter. Can you think of anything else I really need to take? What are your suggestions?
I am thinking of making lip balms, scrubs, butters, creams, and if I can manage to find some Sodium Hydroxide, I will make some soap. I really hope I can find some lye over there. It would be so fun to ship what I made home! I can’t wait to get there and play a bit! |
what about containers… lip tubes and a fillign tray? Or are you planning on finding those items over there?
That’s awesome that you’re going to China! Maybe you could take some pre-made labels for the lip balms? That would be good for gift-giving to your new Chinese friends : ) Or some pH strips for the finished soap (if you’re able to make it)? Both things are small and light! Have a great trip!
i’m wondering what they’ll be thinking at the airport when they x-ray your luggage. good luck!
goggles! 🙂
Remember your goggles and gloves, although you could probably find some of those where you’re headed. Eventually. Ha! Have fun and send lots of pictures!