A Soaper’s Essentials 5

With me leaving for China in 9 days, I want to make sure I have my essentials for making all kinds of body treats while I am there. I have received some great ideas of what I need. This is what has made it to my list so far. Pipettes, Battery Operated Scale, Immersion Blender, Thermometer, and an adapter. Can you think of anything else I really need to take? What are your suggestions? 

I am thinking of making lip balms, scrubs, butters, creams, and if I can manage to find some Sodium Hydroxide, I will make some soap. I really hope I can find some lye over there. It would be so fun to ship what I made home! I can’t wait to get there and play a bit!


Collecting my adapter, scale, thermometer and immersion blender

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About Taylor

I'm a twenty something happy, animal loving, curious experimenter. I love reaching back into history and trying old recipes for cosmetics or foods. I'm constantly asking "Why?" My curiosity has me trying new things. I love taking walks with my dog as well as staying at home to cuddle with the dog and my cats. Some of my favorite scents include Hinoki Wood, Rose Garden, Jasmine and Gladiator.

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5 thoughts on “A Soaper’s Essentials

  • Crystal

    what about containers… lip tubes and a fillign tray? Or are you planning on finding those items over there?

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  • Lia

    That’s awesome that you’re going to China! Maybe you could take some pre-made labels for the lip balms? That would be good for gift-giving to your new Chinese friends : ) Or some pH strips for the finished soap (if you’re able to make it)? Both things are small and light! Have a great trip!

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  • Ana B

    Remember your goggles and gloves, although you could probably find some of those where you’re headed. Eventually. Ha! Have fun and send lots of pictures!

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