My collection of soaps. In my eyes, it is officially growing season now, even though I’ve already started my tomato seedlings in the house weeks ago. Why is now growing season? Saturday was the first day that our local Gardener’s Market was open for the year. I always love to go and see what crafty things and produce can be found. I found some adorable soaps that I just had to buy. (I need more soap at home like I need an extra hole in my head.) 😉 I brought these soaps to work with me today to show how cute they are!
Soap #1
I’ll admit it, I bought this soap because it smells good and because of the cute fabric wrapper! The soap is scented with a mixture of essential oils and is call “Soap Shop,” because it smells just like the soap shop it was made in.
Soap #2
This soap smells so yummy! This one was made with fresh coffee grounds and a vanilla fragrance oil. The soap is a dark brown color and I think it almost looks like a bar of dark chocolate. It was beautifully wrapped in baking parchment.
Soap #3
This soap has some of the cutest layers ever! The fresh citrus and fruit blend of the fragrance makes this soap energetic and refreshing. I’m amazed by the work that was put into making these adorable layers with Cold Process Soap, especially since this is a Goat’s Milk soap!
Soap #4
Naturally, I had to save my favorite soap for last. This soap smells like Honey Harvest and my oh my, is it yummy! We keep bees and the top of this soap looks like filled honey comb at harvest time. These two layers are beautiful and I don’t want to use the soap at all! The bottom layer is a cold process soap and the top layer is Melt and Pour soap, so they won’t stick together for long. 🙁 Oh well! It is a fantabulous looking soap anyway.
I hope my little excursion to the local Gardner’s Market will encourage you to go find your local Gardner’s or Farmer’s Market! I’d love to see pictures of what other people find!
If inspiration has knocked you over as you looked at these adorable soaps, then feel free to have fun!
Happy Crafting!
Submit your photos and text for the guest written Hot Process Soap Week! Submissions will be accepted through May 18th at blog@thesage.com. Hot Process Soap Week will be May 25th through May 29th.
They all look yummy! I’ll bet the Coffee and Vanilla soap would be great for a morning wake up shower!
These all look lovely!
I made a coffee soap back in the winter and used /gave it all away. It is the best stuff for getting onion and garlic smell off my hands!
These soaps make me want to go experement.
Soap #3 reminds me of Neapolitan Ice Cream.
How fun would it be to have Chocolate, Strawberry and Vanilla soap 🙂
You could have a Summer Ice Cream soap line with lots of flavors.
I’m beginning to think you have some of the coolest creative ideas! This one sounds so fun! This idea would actually be fun with either MP or CP soap! I think we need to rope others into contributing ideas like yours, even if we get teased for the ideas at home! 😉
I am very curious about the one in layers. When doing CP soap with layers — is there an optimal time to wait between layers so that the layers will stay distinct AND adhere well?
For example: Is six hours best? Is one day sufficient? Is two weeks too long?
The longer the time between layers, the more difficultly you will have in layers bonding. I think 1 to 2 hours is plenty long. The less soap you have in the mold the sooner you will need to pour a new layer. The more soap in the mold will cause more heat to build up and this can cause a problem when adding the new layer (they don’t stay separate, one will meld and push down through the layer you just poured).
Give it a try. I think making this type of soap could be lots of fun.
I too, would like to know how long to wait before pouring a second and third layer. Can we get a demonstration on how to do layers with CP soap? Pretty please??
Theresa 🙂
Thanks so much! I will give it a try!