We have the items for our Mother’s Day Gift Baskets, but how will I guarantee that the items will stay in their baskets while shipping? I use Shrink Film. Before you ask me how Shrink Film works, I’ll explain it.
First things first, choose the basket that you want to use and then collect the items you are going to place in your gift basket. You will want paper or excelsior to put in the bottom of the basket and to also help prop up the products. The items in these gift baskets are listed below: Place the items in the basket on top of the paper or excelsior and arrange to suit your desire. Once the items have been arranged, measure the needed amount of Shrink Film by covering the top and sides of the basket. Cut the film so you still have plenty of room to tape the edges underneath the basket and still allow the film to shrink. The 16″ Shrink Film I am using is a center fold film, so I will open the film to the full 32 inches, then spread out the film to cover the basket. After the basket has been covered, gently tape the sides and corners under the basket. Don’t tape the film tightly, or when you use the heat gun, you will create holes in the film. The basket should look like a bath poof is surrounding it. After the film has been taped to the basket, use a Heat Gun to shrink the film. A good basket will let the shrink film hold the products firmly against the cushioning paper or excelsior. Why would you use Shrink Film on a basket? |
My basket full of JOY came in Wed. and everything smells so beautiful
and has such a modern elegant and fun appearance.
It’s going to be fun trying out all of the different products and the
surprise Lip Solution kit with Mango butter and Flavor oil. 🙂
Thank You Andee and MMS,
I’m hope you have fun with the Lip Solutions Kit.