Sometimes we get to see non-soap items in our line of work. Today is one of those days. After seeing these heads of garlic I can only hope to achieve the results that Nick and Bonnie are currently getting. I talked to Bonnie today, and she told me that Nick has been growing garlic for years. Each year he replants a few (or a lot) of his harvested cloves. Garlic planting is done in the fall (for all of us snowed upon states) and harvested the next fall. Nick has been planting, and harvesting, garlic in at least three states; VA, TN and MT.
Here is a photo of the lovely garlic Bonnie sent to our office.
Need perspective? In soap making we talk a lot about perspective being very important in the process. Let’s apply the perspective approach to this garlic. In the center you can see a bar of soap from our photos of how to dry bars of soap.
The next photo perspective contains a #10 business size envelope (4-1/8 x 9-1/2 inches).
I opened one of the heads of garlic that Bonnie sent. Inside this head of garlic was 7 cloves. Three cloves were the size of average apricots, three were the size of jumbo apricots, and one was the size of a large grape. The fragrant aroma in our office is making us hungry. They are beautiful examples of the payoff of persistence.
Persistence in making batches of soap will pay off, too. Key things to approach your soap making are 1) try new things, 2) make small batches while learning, 3) enjoy the travel as much as the destination.
It is our hope that Bonnie and Nick will have lots of garlic to share in the fall. If you want to be notified of their harvest, please drop us a note. We will gladly share harvest information with you.
MMS sends a great big thank you to Bonnie and Nick. We feel honored to have the opportunity to participate in your adventures!
Wow, that’s some supper sized Garlic!
When will you address the issue of a lye heavy batch of soap?
I will get that out today.