Sensual Milky Tub Tea 6

Ever since we added the Milk Powder to the catalog, I’ve been toying with the idea of making a milk bath powder, but I wanted to make a milk bath powder that was a little more on the unusual side. I perused the Recipe Collection for some ideas and found two recipes that were calling my name. The Milk Bath and the Tub Tea recipes are both excellent recipes, but they just were falling short in areas where I wanted pizazz! I decided to mesh the recipes together and reformulate to match what I was looking for.

This recipe is a great way to relax for anyone! I chose a scent blend that would give a sensual scent that would be appreciated by men and women. This tub tea was sent out in the My Sweet Valentine Swap that was hosted on The Sage Soapmaker’s Forum. I’ve been told by a few participants that after using it they felt totally pampered.

Now before I share this recipe with you, I have a funny story to share with you about it. Taylor had helped me package the Sensual Milky Tub Tea for the swap. She was scooping the tea into the Heat & Seal Tea Bags and so she smelled just like the Sensual Milky Tub Teas when we were done. When she went home that evening, Leo, her cat would not leave her alone at all! He would butt his head against her hands until she rubbed him. Now that raised a few questions for me. Is Leo a milk kitty? Or was he aroused by the scent? I know that he has visited Dr. Snip, so I wouldn’t have thought that would have been the reason. Or is Leo just a classic example of guys wanting to cuddle with their girls when their girls smell good? I may never know why Leo did that. After all, he won’t tell me anything but “Meah!”

Give this recipe a whirl and I think you will agree that it is a great way to pamper yourself (or others!)

Collect needed items:

Epsom Salt
Milk Powder
Rose Buds & Petals
Calendula Petals
Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
Sandalwood Fragrance Oil
Measuring spoons
Large mixing container (I used a 1 gallon bucket with lid)
Large Heat and Seal Tea Bags
Household Clothes Iron

Recipe: (Makes 7 ounces)

Recipe in ounces
3.17 ounces Epsom Salt
3.17 ounces Milk Powder
0.35 ounces Natrasorb
0.14 ounces Rose Buds
0.14 ounces Calendula Petals
0.04 ounces Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
0.03 ounces Sandalwood Fragrance Oil
Recipe in grams
90 grams Epsom Salt
90 grams Milk Powder
10 grams Natrasorb
4 grams Rose Buds
4 grams Calendula Petals
1.2 grams Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
0.8 grams Sandalwood Fragrance Oil
Recipe in Percentages
45% Epsom Salt
45% Milk Powder
5% Natrasorb
2% Rose Buds
2% Calendula Petals
0.6% Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
0.4% Sandalwood Fragrance Oil

Combine the Epsom Salt, Milk Powder and Natrasorb in a mixing bucket or bag. Mix thoroughly. Add the desired fragrances and mix again. Add the Calendula Petals and Rose Buds. I found that the best way to have smaller particles of the Rose Buds and Petals was to rub them between my hands to crush before adding to the pail. Mix well. After the ingredients have been mixed together, fill each Large Heat & Seal Tea Bag with 1 ounce of the tub tea mixture. Seal with the iron.

I like to mix this in a 1 gallon pail with a lid. I put the lid on and shake the bucket. This recipe was fun to make and it filled 7 Large Heat & Seal Tea Bags. I did find that I preferred to lightly crush the Rose Buds to break up the buds before mixing.

The photos for this batch may look like I made more that what the recipe shows. That is because I did! I quadrupled the recipe when I made it for the swap and that is when I took the pictures.

How would you change this recipe? Would you change the fragrances, botanicals or something else? I would love to hear what you would do with this recipe!



P.S. I’m working on the What is in your cupboard? Challenge! There have been some great requests and the gears in my brain are whirring so fast, you might see smoke pouring out of my ears! I hope to send some recipes out for testing on Monday.

Weighing the Natrasorb.

Adding the Milk Powder.

Adding the fragrances.

Adding the Rose Buds & Petals.

Adding the Calendula Petals.

Beginning to mix the ingredients together.

Completely mixed milky tub tea!

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About Andee

Director of Happiness. I'm a thirty-something soap snob. I've grown up with handmade soaps, and I love them! I really like making lotions, soaps, and perfumes. I adore mixing scents to come up with something new. My favorite scent is either Wicked or Cotton Candy. I tend to hoard fragrances, I even have an Earl Grey Tea from the MMS catalog. I won't tell you how old it is, but it sure is good!

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6 thoughts on “Sensual Milky Tub Tea

  • Fruitleather

    Oh, this looks and sounds so luxurious!

    If I were to substitute corn starch for the Natrasorb, would it make a noticeable difference in the bath results?

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    • Andee Post author

      Natrasorb is a light and fluffy starch so it helps prevent from adding too much. I would suggest a bit of oatmeal, ground to a fine flour and cornstarch. Try 1-1/2 tsp of each per bath.

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  • coleycole46260

    HI…. If I want to change the fragrance in this recipe with just a F.O. How much would I use? Don’t know if the E.O. Is = to a F.O.

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  • Andee Post author

    I would recommend a 1% usage rate for both fragrances and essentials. If you were to make this recipe, as it is shown that would be 0.07 ounces or 2 grams.

    I hope this helps!

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  • coleycole46260

    Yes it does. THANK YOU! Ordered the rest of what I needed today to make this recipe… I can’t wait!

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