Search Results for : "lip scrub"

I love lip scrubs! They are my favorite way to pamper myself and so easy to make. If you don’t believe me, our blog now has 8 recipes for lip scrubs! Because lip scrubs are so fast and easy to make, I decided to show that you don’t need lots […]

Shea Butter Lip Scrub

I wanted to make a lip scrub featuring our green tea butter. I was actually inspired by the Blueberry Lip Scrub Andee made a few weeks ago. I guess you could say that I am extremely adventurous. I especially want to know if there will be any green tea flavor. […]

Green Tea Lip Scrub

I’ve been dreaming of blueberries and lemons recently. Particularly a blueberry muffin with lemon glaze. Yum! While blueberries are quite expensive in Utah, I decided to make a lip scrub that would hopefully curb this craving until I get a chance to get my hands on some frozen blueberries.   I used our […]

Blueberry Lip Scrub

As long as I have been working here on the blog, I have always referred to old blog recipes to help me formulate my lip balms. Recently, I went to Taylor and asked,”How do I come up with my own lip balm formulations? I don’t even know where to start!” […]

Fruit Smoothie Lip Balm