Sometimes, I float around the web looking at different blogs and read about what people are making. I stumbled across Erin’s blog post about her Eclipse themed party that she hosted for her friends and she used our Twilight Collection and kits for her party. Erin has kindly given me permission to repost her blog about this party.
Her party reminded me of the Twilight party that I had posted about over a year ago. Michelle had hosted her party for a group of 12 year old girls and I wanted to throw a party just like it. Now after reading about Erin’s party, I think I’m ready to throw my own party! Want to come? Now, I give you Erin! First, let me say this….I am NOT a crazy, fanatic, lunatic Twihard that thinks vampires live next door and wolves are keeping watch from my backyard. I never picked a team in fact. Never. But, if I really had to, pick a team that is, I would lay claim to Team Jasper because I do enjoy a southern accent. I will say this however, I think all the Twilight Saga hubbub is downright good, clean fun. I will admit, I have traveled to Forks WA where I found myself on the Volturi tour. And, I did browse around a Dazzled by Twilight store probably way too long. And, I did have mushroom ravioli in Port Angeles WA. So I guess that makes me a fan. I like to giggle at the middle-aged women that swoon in the movie theaters when a certain someone strolls onto the screen and I love, love, love the fact teenagers are reading these books, because after all they are READING!!! That is pretty great if you think about it. Anyway, now that is out of the way, I was browsing a fave soaping blog and I came across scented oils in you guessed it, Twilight theme. I knew the newest movie from the Twilight saga was coming out on DVD soon, therefore a party theme was hatched. And if you know me, you know I love a good party theme. Majestic Mountain Sage has great Twilight inspired fragrance oils (which had my house swirling with good smells for the next few days) and super duper kits. I picked out one of the lotion and one of the lip balm kits. They come with everything you need and it’s all very easy. The Sage also has a really great blog. Check it out! My dear friend made our delicious dishes. The food was a hit! Thank you Julie!! I had such a great time laughing with the great gals that came I completely forgot to pick up my camera. So Julie reenacted the party scene for blogging purposes. After spa products were made and food was eaten, we settled down to watch the movie. And, when were all pooped from laughing and eating, I sent them on their way with their very own Eclipse tshirt. Thank you to all the lovely ladies. I had a super time! And, my house is still swirling with the smells of Twilight. |
I think this is SOOOOO cool! We could do parties of any style or theme. Not only are these great photos but I am sure your guests had a lot of fun. I know I would have!