Back in July, I shared a picture of a muskrat that was hanging out in our parking lot. I have a few more pictures of some feathered visitors we had here last week.
When we were leaving, a young male pheasant was spotted outside. I grabbed the camera and tried to get a picture of him, but I only got a picture of him running away! I have to say that I think a running pheasant looks a LOT like the Road Runner from the Looney Toons cartoons. The pheasant turned the corner around our building, I thought he would be heading past the front door so I scurried through the building toward our front door. When I entered the lobby, I was very surprised to see the very pheasant I’d been trying to photograph was just outside our front door! Our young pheasant posed for some pictures and then ran off to hide in the field. He is a member of the brood of pheasants that live around here. I was also able to take a picture of another pheasant (a hen) out in the field while the whole brood was chasing and eating grasshoppers. I’m proud to say that we cohabitate with various critters here at MMS. We even make sure there are various water bowls stationed around our building for these critters to drink. We like to compost any left over vegetable materials from our lunches for these critters to eat. In return, the pheasants eat the grasshoppers and other bugs that would eat our plants and the cats hunt the small mice to keep them out of the building. Since winter is nearing are the critters in your area becoming more evident? Send in pictures of the critters that share your small corner of the Earth. We want to see! |